Nicole Kirkland Verified


Nicole Kirkland is a professional choreographer & creator in LA. Originally from the Bay Area, she received her training in studios, dance companies, and conventions. At the age of 20, Nicole was a working choreographer in the industry. She's choreographed for Chris Brown, Shenseea, Prince, Iggy Azalea, Daddy Yankee, Nicole Scherzinger, Gwen Stefani, Neyo, Rubi Rose, Kehlani & many more. She has also choreographed for hip hop companies The Lab, immaBEAST, GRV and Gravy Babies. Nicole has accumulated over 300 million views across her social media platforms. Two of her biggest viral moments were: her Heels class video w/ Chris Brown & her all gay-men visual to the song “Wap”. Nicole’s versatile, story-driven style keeps her classes packed & her work schedule filled as she travels worldwide to provide her expertise to dance students, studios & artists alike.

Martins Wochenausklang


Martins Wochenausklang ist eine Video-Kolumne von Die Freiheitsfunken verstehen sich als Plattform für argumentative Gegenwehr gegen die Übergriffigkeit des Politischen und zur Verteidigung von Werten. Freiheitsfunken AG Baarerstrasse 82 CH-6302 Zug E-Mail: Eingetragen im Handelsregister des Kantons Zug: CHE-227.786.647 Namentlich gekennzeichnete Beiträge werden von den Autoren selbst verantwortet und geben nicht in jedem Fall die Meinung des Herausgebers wieder. Chefredakteur: André F. Lichtschlag E-Mail: Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher i.S.d. § 18 Abs. 2 MStV: André F. Lichtschlag (Anschrift siehe oben) Zum vollständigen Impressum:



JFK Lancer Productions & Publications is a historical research company specializing in the administration and assassination of President John F. Kennedy; founded in 1995 by Thomas A. Jones and Debra Conway. Mary Ferrell, John Newman, George Michael Evica, Sherry Fiester, Larry Hancock, Stu Wexler, Alan Dale, Bob Cochran, and Rex Bradford, along with, Gabriella Glenn, Kenneth H. Zediker Jr., and Nicola Mediteraneo, have been part of our trusted team. Since 1996 JFK Lancer has gathered people together in Dallas to commemorate John F. Kennedy's life and assassination. The encouragement, camaraderie, and sharing of exciting new research gives us momentum and motivation, keeping us on the cutting edge of historical research.