The Venus Twins


We are identical twin sisters from the Planet Venus, who have been chosen by God to help humanity after The Great Awakening on Planet Earth. We provide channelled information directly from The Andromedan Council of 9 about the events currently affecting all people on Earth at this time. We have created a Healing Business called "Wisdom Woven in Time Healing" that operates in the Bayside area of Melbourne in Australia. We offer Quantum Transformation Healings, Psychic Readings and Covid Vaccine Removal. Our Website is

Culain ruled by Venus


Musings on magic, art, tarot, history, paganism, occultism, witchcraft, and Goddess devotion. Readings, original music, spiritual endeavors and adventures, and some silly stuff. Seeking fellow seekers, artists, lovers of nature, mysticism and Divine Essence. Love + Natural Law + Hermetic Philosophy = my religion. Artist, Twin Flame, Taoist, Animal Activist, Historian, Bibliophile, Occultist, Naturalist, and Infidel who lives for animal rescues, all things creative and natural, and reversing the missionary work of centuries which has ironically stultified true spiritual experience. I welcome email communication from all who have not come to wag a presumptuous, condescending finger.

Venus amvs


A lot of us haven't even realized we get life only once. So, why do you want to live it for someone else? To live by others' rules? It's the only shot you have. Make the most of it. Create your own rules and live by them. I'm not saying you should start a rebellion or anything, but what I'm saying is to be freewilled. There is no fun in living life as you don't want. That's the realization I had when I first discovered anime. We believe anime has the power to change people's lives, to make them better, to dream big. When you realize that our time is limited, you'll think about what you can accomplish in this short time of life. If you haven't limited yourself, then you'll see endless possibilities. So, why not make the most of this time we've got? You are gonna need fuel for accomplishing your dreams, and we can provide that on the Venus AMVs channel. If you like what we do here, support us. Each like, comment, and subscription matters. And thanks for reading.

Venus la mujer que volvió a amar


"Venus la mujer que volvió a amar" un libro de corte autobiográfico escrito por la abogada y periodista Jennifer Barreto-Leyva, narra sus dos experiencias con psicópatas integrados, todas las fallas, errores y desatinos que encontró en su camino a la libertad y a la sanación donde explica paso a paso cómo actúan estos monstruos de rostro amable, y de cómo se atrevió otra vez a amar. ADQUIÉRALO EN AMAZON: