Levan Gudadze-Opinion Verified


Greetings. This channel is completely independent, based in Russia and exists solely thanks to the support of subscribers. If you are interested in basic information about the host of this channel, that is, about me, I can answer. I am Levan Gudadze, the founder and host of this channel. Citizen of Russia, however born in Georgia during the USSR. Graduate of Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Journalism. I worked in the media for more than two decades, mainly in news agencies. Currently I am completely focused on my own projects. To support the channel - https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/LGOnetwork Join me on Patreon - http://patreon.com/levangudadzeopinion To support the channel via Boosty - https://boosty.to/lgopinion Crypto Support BTC - Bitcoin: bc1qv95xzwk6sh4shxndmqm2anpkvum0w32ekljnwr LTC - Litecoin: ltc1qys30yxfmds4ns7dffjwsrnefgfzc9xxapua4fe ETH - Ethereum: 0x7aA2afcB73aBc202566E674D7Ca7F6B7845cDE62

The Art of Suffering: Our Mess Becomes God's Message


Welcome to a you-tube channel that provides an ongoing witness of individuals, just like you, whose lives contradict the common narrative declaring - If God was all-loving, all-powerful, and all good He would never allow evil in the world or terrible things to happen to innocent people He loves. This is an invitation to be inspired, challenged, receive, and share with others the inspiration found in the lives of those who chose not to settle for who the world said they should be, but rather who are walking the path that leads them to become who God created them to be, a saint. Learn to master the beauty and art of redemptive suffering, so God can take your message and transform it into His Message. 🙏🏻WILL YOU PLEASE HELP ME GROW THIS CHANNEL AND PODCAST?