Dejair informatica


Português Brasil A informática é uma das áreas de conhecimento mais importantes da atualidade. Ela está presente nos celulares de última geração e automóveis, vemos vídeos e anúncios de produtos na Internet, utilizamos sistemas de localização e aparelhos domésticos inteligentes. Ganhamos comodidade, segurança e eficiência. Inglês Computer science is one of the most important areas of knowledge today. It is present in the latest generation cell phones and cars, we watch videos and product advertisements on the Internet, we use location systems and smart home appliances. We gain convenience, security and efficiency.

Wellness With Zahra


My name is Zahra and I am a certified nutritionist and a health and wellness coach based in the Northern Rivers, NSW. Originally born in Pakistan, I have called Australia my home since my early teens. My interest in nutrition started after developing gut issues which led me to get certified in nutrition and health/wellness coaching. With continuous professional and personal development, it has become my passion to demystify nutrition for everyone and promote holistic wellness practices.