wmx games - canal de filmes e trailers baseados em jogos.


Salve galera.. sou a wmx games. este Este canal é sobre filmes e trailers baseados em jogos. Às vezes bons vídeos, às vezes engraçados, às vezes super emocionantes, mas definitivamente vale a pena. Então cola aqui, se inscreva ativa o sininho para não perder o conteúdo do canal! Abraço de WMX GAMES. APRECIADO? Por favor, inscreva-se Curta os vídeos e compartilhe o canal. Ajude nosso canal. se você quiser solicitar um vídeo, comente nos meus vídeos

Saúde em Forma | Mateus Sef


Te ajudo a ter mais Saúde com vídeos confiáveis, leves e sem muitas complicações. Abordando assuntos relacionados ao mundo fitness e de bem-estar, como alimentação (dieta), ganhar e perder peso, musculação, Se livrar de dores e lesões. Além de muitas dicas e tira dúvidas. 👉QUEM SOU EU? Meu nome é Mateus Sef e trago muita informação moldada com muito estudo e experiências. Desde a Universidade Federal de Viçosa, considerado na época o melhor do país, passando por pós-graduação, especialização em futebol, MBA, mais de 60 cursos, experiência internacional, trabalho no Clube de Regatas do Flamengo, proprietário de Academia multi-modalidades e criador do Canal Saúde em Forma, do Programa online Emagreça com Saúde, Programa BayLes, além das mais diversas mentorias e consultorias.

Lugares em 4K


Este canal tem o objetivo de descrever o mundo com imagens em alta resolução. Somos uma família (casal mais filha pequena) que adora viajar. Já visitamos vários lugares do mundo, alguns países, e queremos compartilhar a partir de agora as paisagens maravilhosas e cenários paradisíacos que estão por aí. Passaremos por diversos lugares do mundo, seja praia, campo, serra, neve ou deserto, buscando manter um estilo de vida viajante e aproveitar cada momento da vida. Os vídeos também trarão informações sobre os locais visitados, como história, população, economia, além de outras dicas valiosas para outros viajantes e turistas. Então, se você gosta de viagens, imagens incríveis e experiências de tirar o fôlego, vem com a gente nessa viagem ao mundo em 4K. Visite também - https://www.instagram.com/lugaresem4k/ #LugaresIncriveis #ViajaréViver #ConheceroMundo #VidaEmFamilia -------------------------------------------------- Se quiser contribuir com o nosso projeto, ficaremos muito agradecidos: Bitcoin BTC - 1EWjhaaCyrYU9KuTdYyfb8QcxX7664AA3Q Reais PIX – 41.407.790/0001-01 Contato: lugaresem4k@gmail.com --------------------------------------------------

Gaia’s Jam is a channel dedicated to giving you music and positive messages.


Gaia’s Jam is a channel dedicated to giving you music and positive messages. Meditation, Music and Affirmation to us are Pure Prayer and 432Hz is the resonant frequency of Gaia. This natural frequency for the note A was changed to a less natural or organic 440Hz in 1931 by the powers that be. I AM affirmations and positive messaging is the opposite to the fear-based sense of lack that modern living projects to us. We’re not suggesting de-evolving, we are just seeking to reclaim our connection to Gaia and our own resonant frequencies when we go into the stillness – where the magic of the universe unfolds. Our backgrounds give us the skills to create these works that we hope will open channels to YOUR real power and connection, so we can all enjoy the health, abundance and ability to create. If you get something from these works, please subscribe, share and comment, and do press the notification bell so you can get the latest releases. Also, see our other featured channels. Gratitude💜

Falando em Finanças


Olá! Seja muito bem vindo ao canal Falando em Finanças. A finalidade deste canal é massificar os conceitos financeiros, descomplicando temas complexos por meio da troca de ideias e experiências, no sentido de promover uma reeducação financeira a todos quantos desejarem percorrer essa jornada. Quer saber um pouquinho mais sobre mercado financeiro e investimentos? INSCREVA-SE e acione as notificações para não perder nenhuma novidade! Siga o Falando em Finanças nas Redes Sociais: Blog: https://www.falandoemfinancas.com.br Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/falandoemfinancasoficial Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/falandoemfinancasoficial Twitter: https://twitter.com/falandofinanca

All Pro Jams


All Pro Jams delivers band and artist videos, guitar tutorials, karaoke, band t-shirts, band tees, album reviews, guitar accessories, guitar how-to videos, and music reviews. Please subscribe for notifications of new video releases, band launches, artist reviews, new band merchandise, artist tees, album reviews, and new karaoke videos. SUPPORT US =========== Metallica Band Gear https://topshoppingdeals.com/product-category/collections/music/metallica/ Metallica Black and White Logo T-Shirt https://topshoppingdeals.com/product/metallica-black-and-white-logo-t-shirt/ Grateful Dead Band Gear https://topshoppingdeals.com/product-category/collections/music/grateful-dead/ Grateful Dead Steal Your Face Classic Adult T-Shirt https://topshoppingdeals.com/product/grateful-dead-steal-your-face-classic-adult-t-shirt/ Red Hot Chili Peppers Band Gear https://topshoppingdeals.com/product-category/collections/music/red-hot-chili-peppers/ Red Hot Chili Peppers Vintage Distressed Asterisk T-Shirt https://topshoppingdeals.com/product/red-hot-chili-peppers-vintage-distressed-asterisk-t-shirt/ Misfits Band Gear https://topshoppingdeals.com/product-category/collections/music/misfits/ Misfits Red Skull Logo Classic Adult T-Shirt https://topshoppingdeals.com/product/misfits-red-skull-logo-classic-adult-t-shirt/ Run DMC Band Gear https://topshoppingdeals.com/product-category/collections/music/rundmc/ Run DMC Logo Black Classic T-Shirt https://topshoppingdeals.com/product/run-dmc-logo-black-classic-t-shirt/ The Ramones Band Gear https://topshoppingdeals.com/product-category/collections/music/ramones/ Ramones Presidential Seal T-Shirt https://topshoppingdeals.com/product/ramones-presidential-seal-t-shirt/ AC/DC Band Gear https://topshoppingdeals.com/product-category/collections/music/acdc/ AC/DC Band Logo Classic Adult T-Shirt https://topshoppingdeals.com/product/ac-dc-band-logo-classic-adult-t-shirt/ Pink Floyd Band Gear https://topshoppingdeals.com/product-category/collections/music/pink-floyd/ Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon Classic Adult T-Shirt https://topshoppingdeals.com/product/pink-floyd-dark-side-of-the-moon-classic-adult-t-shirt/ The Rolling Stones Band Gear https://topshoppingdeals.com/product-category/collections/music/rolling-stones/ The Rolling Stones Distressed Tongue Men’s T-Shirt https://topshoppingdeals.com/product/rolling-stones-distressed-tongue-mens-t-shirt/ Nirvana Band Gear https://topshoppingdeals.com/product-category/collections/music/nirvana/ Nirvana Smile One-Sided Soft T-Shirt https://topshoppingdeals.com/product/nirvana-smile-one-sided-soft-t-shirt/ Black Sabbath Band Gear https://topshoppingdeals.com/product-category/collections/music/black-sabbath/ The Allman Brothers Band Gear https://topshoppingdeals.com/product-category/collections/music/allman-brothers/ The Who Band Gear https://topshoppingdeals.com/product-category/collections/music/the-who/ The Doors Band Gear https://topshoppingdeals.com/product-category/collections/music/the-doors/ Queen Band Gear https://topshoppingdeals.com/product-category/collections/music/queen/ Motley Crue Band Gear https://topshoppingdeals.com/product-category/collections/music/motley-crue/ Megadeth Band Gear https://topshoppingdeals.com/product-category/collections/music/megadeth/ Lynyrd Skynyrd Band Gear https://topshoppingdeals.com/product-category/collections/music/lynyrd-skynyrd/ Iron Maiden Band Gear https://topshoppingdeals.com/product-category/collections/music/iron-maiden/ Green Day Band Gear https://topshoppingdeals.com/product-category/collections/music/green-day/ Foo Fighters Band Gear https://topshoppingdeals.com/product-category/collections/music/foo-fighters/ Deep Purple Band Gear https://topshoppingdeals.com/product-category/collections/music/deep-purple/ Aerosmith Band Merchandise https://topshoppingdeals.com/product-category/collections/music/aerosmith/ The Beatles Band Gear https://topshoppingdeals.com/product-category/collections/music/beatles/ Guns N Roses Band Gear https://topshoppingdeals.com/product-category/collections/music/gunsnroses/ Rush Band Gear https://topshoppingdeals.com/product-category/collections/music/rush/ Stevie Ray Vaughan Merchandise https://topshoppingdeals.com/product-category/collections/music/stevie-ray-vaughan/ Led Zeppelin Band Gear https://topshoppingdeals.com/product-category/collections/music/led-zeppelin/ Bad Company Band Gear https://topshoppingdeals.com/product-category/collections/music/bad-company/ FOLLOW US ================================== ►YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCKRx78Xkc0XpqF-viBfdOw ►Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-1172561 ================================== Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statutes that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.