Kay and Olu Taiwo


Welcome to our channel! Thank you for stopping by. It is our prayer that the messages on this channel will bless and empower you to make a difference in your world. Our Mission: To train, equip, motivate, and empower men and women for successful living through image building, identity, vision, and purpose based ministry... About Kay and Olu Taiwo Identical twins, Kay and Olu Taiwo are international speakers, ministers, consultants, featured authors, and licensed Pharmacists. With over 20 years of speaking experience, their ministry has impacted audiences in the Ukraine, Nigeria, England, Philippines, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Canada, and across the United States of America. They conduct Vision, Identity, & Purpose (VIP) Seminars. They are blazing a trail around the world in the mobile app industry and are reaching thousands of people by promoting biblical literacy through mobile technology.

Flu x


“Relativity applies to physics, not ethics.” —Albert Einstein 🇨🇦📿🕯⳩🛐👣☦🕊 welcome… me… just the sinner… a listener, an observer, a thinker, an admirer… a Baptized Orthodox Catholic Christian interested in computers, electronics, automation, soccer, music, freedom, life, love, Truth, Holy Tradition, the Holy Trinity, the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church, the Holy Bible/Holy Scripture, ethics, morality, philosophy, religion, spirituality, asceticism, Creation, and pro-life. The Orthodox Church in America - Archdiocese of Canada received me into membership in 1992. —the unworthy servant and chief of sinners, Nicholas John (th)

Blu Wolf Podcast


Welcome to the Blu Wolf Podcast! Willie breaks down, analyzes, and educates listeners on situations involving law enforcement and the politics around public safety. Willie is a retired career law enforcement officer with over 33 years of service with SAPD, most of which was spent in active service in specialized units. His unique perspective on law enforcement highlights a need to evaluate the strategies that are currently in place and adopt more proactive approaches to protect both law enforcement officers and the public.