Investigate Everything w/ Brian O'Shea Verified


In a time when transparency is essential in navigating through these crazy times, Brian O'Shea offers well-sourced, thoroughly investigated, laboriously articulated transparency. O'Shea goes beyond the headlines to investigate not only the “what” of a current subject, person, or event, but the who, when, where, why and how. Transparency is power. The only way to achieve transparency is to Investigate Everything. Buckle up…it might be a wild ride!

Investigate Earth Conspiracy Podcast


Finding the truth in the world and what is going on around us is some of the most important work we can do as people. It is harder now to find truth in media, government, and events than ever before. Whenever one side of the media is biased against one particular group of people, it is up to people like us to find the truth behind the BS. This does not just apply to the world today, but we know there are thousands of stories that have been covered up for hundreds or thousands of years. We will do whatever we can on Investigate Earth Conspiracy Podcast to dig as deep as we can and find the truth that so many have hidden. We want to build a community with all of our listeners and there is a lot that you can do to help us on many topics. Please do not hesitate to reach out anytime. You all are our family, we all want the truth.

Investidor Volátil


Seja Bem-vindo, meu nome é Victor Hoffmann e você está no canal Investidor Volátil. Neste canal começaremos a falar de análise técnica de Bitcoin e Ethereum, algumas altcoins interessantes no momento e indicações dos inscritos. Falarei também sobre análise de sentimento voltado para swing e position trade. Pretendo trazer conteúdos de análise on-chain, fundamentalista e DeFi avançado no futuro. Os vídeos terão formato de live e vocês poderão comentar no chat durante as análises. Os horários serão de segunda a sexta entre 19h as 20h para começar com um tempo de duração médio de 20 a 30 mins. Em alguns sábados, poderemos ter lives de conversas com convidados e inscritos que se interessarem. Caso queira análises fora desse horário, me segue no Instagram @investidorvolatil, pois sempre rola análises e conteúdos informativos durante o dia. Caso ficou interessado, por favor se inscreva no canal e compartilhe para eu conseguir crescer e trazer conteúdos cada vez melhores para vocês.

CSI - Common Sense Investigated Podcast Series


Inspired and fashioned by Thomas Paine's pamphlet of the same name, Common Sense Investigated analyzes both Socratic forms of governance and the Jungian aspects of human nature. Drawing from diverse and masterful sources of both academic and applied disciplines, Gavin brings reason and rationality into the realms of basic understanding. Weaving elements of art, philosophy, government, politics, science and medicine, Gavin advances tenets of humanity that have been lacking for decades. In an epoch of precarity and perplexity, this podcast brings agency and hope to a weary public.