The Epigenetic Whisperer & Integral Health


The first of its kind, multifaceted channel teaching how to manifest true sovereign autonomy with your money(bitcoin) and how to manifest true health autonomy on this planet through radical healing across Spirit, Mind and Body using the last 5,000 years of east and west medicine combined with the latest in science to provide multi-perspectival truths with the goal to unveil to all who are ready to see, that science and spirit are truly not two. The Epigenetic Whisper and his love, Sister Sophia cover multiple interrelated topics that we interweave with Divine Love, Gnosis, and Wisdom related to Bitcoin and Integral Health incorporating all aspects of Gaia’s (Earth) plant based medicines.

El Magazine Integral De El Escorpión Rojo


Este canal está diseñado para todos aquellos que quieran informarse a profundidad sobre una gran cantidad de tópicos interesantes, obteniendo una actualización integral en múltiples ámbitos a modo de un magazine, así podrán revisar contenidos interesantes en el ámbito de la salud, la oncología, la sociología, el derecho, el psicoanálisis, la psicología, las neurociencias, la ciencia, la tecnología, la informática, el arte, la economía, la política, la cultura, noticias de actualidad, música y farándula, cine, entretenimiento, crítica literaria, sociedad, informática y tecnología, finanzas, cosmología, temas sanitarios, filosofía, etc, todo desde una órbita integral de verdadero análisis crítico como solo El Escorpión Rojo te puede ofrecer; así que ¡BIENVENIDOS ENTONCES A MI CANAL INTEGRAL TIPO MAGAZINE! .

All the musics that calm the soul and soul, meditate, relax, etc. from all over the world in the style of integrating calm, traditional and digital.


All the musics that calm the soul and soul, meditate, relax, etc. from all over the world in the style of integrating calm, traditional and digital. Dear friends and companions, if you like and are interested, follow our channel, your liking gives us motivation and enthusiasm to bring you beautiful works from all over the world, thank you for your support, dear ones.

What different fixings could I at any point integrate into my reasonable ooze?

1 Follower

"Welcome to DynamicRippleCreations! 🌟 Submerge yourself in a universe of boundless imagination and development. Go along with us on an astonishing excursion where we rejuvenate thoughts through workmanship, innovation, and creative mind. From hypnotizing fine arts to state of the art developments, we're here to rouse, engage, and flash your interest. Buy in now to remain tuned for a powerful rush of content that will leave you roused and flabbergasted!"

Integrated Sound Healing

1 Follower

I developed the KUYPER method, (named to honor my ancestors). This integrates sound healing , the power of intention with Family Constellation Work. The combination of these powerful healing methods allows for healing of ancestral patterns , a release of blocks physically, emotionally, spiritually so that a person can open to receive healing stated in the power of intention and beyond. All of this release is done gently and easily not requiring knowing or reliving the story behind the trauma and pain we carry. In addition, I teach my clients easy, fast methods that will allow them to continue to self heal. I am not the only one in the world that has limited time to sit for an hour doing Yoga etc. so the methods I teach are not time consuming but are powerful. Everyone has the ability to self heal and my goal is to facilitate others so they have the option to do that for themselves.