Louisa Khovanski
153 FollowersLouisa Khovanski for More Support me here Miss me-😎 join me here https://www.facebook.com/Gr00vylouisa/videos OR https://paypal.me/LouisaKhovanski?country.x=SA&locale.x=en_US
Louisa Khovanski for More Support me here Miss me-😎 join me here https://www.facebook.com/Gr00vylouisa/videos OR https://paypal.me/LouisaKhovanski?country.x=SA&locale.x=en_US
Insta: https://instagram.com/dudedrewski/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/dudedrewski/
The world is largely asleep. We're living in a time where our freedoms are slowly being encroached upon, but because we're addicted to mediocre bullshit, we ignore it. Our money no longer represents our work, time or effort, the freedom to speak out is obstructed under the guise of "diversity, inclusion and safety", privacy is no longer respected and surveillance has become mainstream "for our protection". Wake up is dedicated to helping ensure V for Vendetta and 1984 remain works of fiction. Topics will include Bitcoin, Money, Freedom, Philosophy, Psychology, Science, Ethics & more
„Kreativno društvo” je projekt cijelog čovječanstva koji omogućuje, u najkraćem mogućem roku, mirno približavanje naše civilizacije novom stupnju evolucijska razvoja.
Hi! I'm Andrew Carriker, also known as OperatorDrewski. I make videos about military games and stuff. Open to sponsorships! BUSINESS EMAIL : abdullahrajput656@gmail.com
U Potrazi za Znanjem i Istinom
I'm just an Average Drewski playing games and having a good time! Tag along for some laughs and nothing too serious.
ALLATRA TV HRVATSKA je internetska televizija novog formata. Ovo je medijska platforma na jeziku balkanskih naroda čiji je cilj ujediniti ljude širom svijeta i stvoriti uvjete za razvoj kreativnog društva. ALLATRA TV HRVATSKA društveno je važan projekt međunarodnog javnog pokreta ALLATRA čiji je cilj popularizirati univerzalne duhovne, moralne i kulturne vrijednosti u svijetu i potaknuti ljude na pozitivne promjene u sebi i društvu.
Hodočašća; Sveta Hrvatska, sveci, blaženici, mučenici, heroji
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