Freely Received Freely Given


Shortly after TRULY surrendering myself to Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit began to minister to me through many gifts in the form of, first, the "ICE-BREAKING" POEM; and afterwards, the songs which have guided me throughout my personal walk, while simultaneously healing my war-torn broken heart (soul). IT'S TIME FOR ME TO SHARE... IT'S TIME to kill the shame... Be sure to read the bio's behind each of the videos to better understand what I was going through at the time that each of them was given to me. It may be that you, or even someone you know, are going through a similar situation. It's taken a lifetime but: This is WHY I Am WHO I Am... My greatest desire is that these Holy Spirit inspired words will help to heal YOUR wounded soul as they have done for me many, many times throughout the years... Also, please share this with anyone you may know who has been, or may be going through, similar trials in their life. That's what this is for... This is why God gave these words to me... TO SHARE... Thank you.

Megan Harden Fitness


ABOUT ME: I'm a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach, and am passionate about redefining what the middle-aged body can look like by offering free HIIT-style workouts and nutrition advice! I got into the best shape of my life at 40 years old doing HIIT-style workouts just like these, and focusing on my nutrition. Have you had kids, or are over 40 years old, and looking to transform your body? Workout with someone who actually did it! If you want to join the mission, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to my channel; and don't forget to hit that bell notification so you never miss an upload! TYPES OF VIDEOS YOU CAN EXPECT: Megan Harden Fitness is your go-to channel for HIIT-style, follow-along, at-home workouts, and nutrition videos.

New Jersey Virtual Herd - SRoH


New Jersey Virtual Herd (NJVH) is a simple yet entertaining look into the real lives of a small yet mighty Herd of service animals in Central NJ. Some are rescues, but not all. Some are champions/award winners, but not all. All of them are with unique personality, spicy intelligence, impressive industriousness, creative and curious minds! We invite you to join us virtually for a candid, possibly entertaning look "behind barn doors"! Ya' never know. NJVH (subsidiary Spring Reins of Hope) was created in response to ALL of our work being shutdown by covid19NJ. Our real work is deep into empowering, rebuilding, and even saving human lives. These Horses have served thousands of humans in our arenas since 2009. They have won national awards, hall of fames, US flag flown for them BECAUSE of the life-changing miracles they provide. We hope to resume our more important/essential work soon. In the meantime we are learning to adapt and be of service on camera! Keep up with the Herd at: