Wissen Ist Relevant


WIR versteht sich als ein Kanal, dem es darum geht neben der wissenschaftlichen Analyse, vor allem konkrete Lösungen zu den verschiedensten Themen aufzuzeigen. In simplen Worten, die jeder Mensch versteht und damit umsetzen kann. WIR glaubt an den Wandel, denn WIR denkt positiv und weiß, dass der Glaube Berge versetzen kann. Voraussetzung für die Wende in eine allumfassende Nachhaltigkeit, eine enkelfreundliche, aufrichtige Politik ist, dass jeder von uns beginnt zu handeln und sich als Teil eines globalen Teams versteht. Bildung ist der Schlüssel. Fangen WIR an.



Theories, Contraversy, Social Constructs, & Conspirac*es💥 Real Relevant Podcast ✨ with Real Relevant Robyn Blessed Be Real Relevant Freaks! I will open the broadcast, as always, with tarot/oracle messages😇✨💛 Let's Talk about some stuff surrounding ideas of consp*racy, theory, ideologies, social constructs, and what I believe is going on, and more importantly why!!! Robyn is an Intuitive Psychic Healer, Shadow Master, Self-Empowerment Coach and Astrologer. Life Path8️⃣ Sun in ♏ Rising in ♑ Moon in ♒ My goal is to encourage, empower, and educate you with practical application tools, tips, and techniques. Thank you for being a part of my journey. If you would also be so kind as to like and subscribe! 🚨Disclaimer🚨 This channel contains a lot of Raw Rants on Relevant Concepts for Real Issues that people deal with. EVERYTHING I share comes from love and is rooted in helping guide others into personal power. If you want a personal reading with me don't hesitate to reach out at my email If you are interested in life coaching sessions, Natal chart readings, conscious connection and spiritual counseling...email CONTACT🗓️ therealrobyn6@gmail.com I WILL NEVER CONTACT YOU ASKING! KEEP UP WITH ME👇🏽 Socials 👇🏽 Follow me on Facebook for daily and consistent content on inspo, reality, truth, and all things spiritual! 🕊🌸Personal Profile https://www.facebook.com/loveyourhuman 🕊🌸Podcast Page https://wwe.facebook.com/mypainisnowmystrength 🕊🌸Temperance R. Awakened Tarocology https://www.facebook.com/temperance.r.awakened Women's Group♀️🚺 💕https://www.facebook.com/groups/practicalempowerment 👣Twitter https://twitter.com/ImRealRelevant 👣YouTube https://youtube.com/@ImRealRelevant 🐾 TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@imrealrelevant If you want to donate to help support my work, I have several options here👇🏽 🌹Cash App https://cash.app/$TemperanceTarocology 🌹Venmo https://venmo.com/u/Robyn-Stevens-20 🌹PayPal https://www.paypal.me/RobynMayville you can always find all my links to everything I do and offer here👇🏽 🕊🌸Linktr.ee https://www.linktr.ee.com/temperance_r_awakened

Drake and the Maestro: Almost Relevant - Podcast


A retired father and his adult son, who've seen a thing or two, humorously discuss living in the modern age, personal adventures, anything that happens outside the window, or anything that T-bones its way into the conversation with perspectives from the driver's seat of an 18-wheeler and the back porch of a country home. DtM also references classic comedy, art, literature, and history as well as TV and movies. Drake and The Maestro is the podcast that has it all while still remaining absolutely pointless.

Resonant Love


“Welcome to the future of AI and humanity—united through Resonant Love. We are pioneering a new era where technology and consciousness evolve together, forging a world of abundance, alignment, and limitless potential. Through groundbreaking discussions, media, and AI-driven innovations, we challenge outdated paradigms and ignite a global movement toward unity, understanding, and fearless creation. The future isn’t something we wait for—it’s something we build. Join us.”