Crashes & Taxes Podcast


The 401k is a failed experiment. Taxes are the single greatest threat to retirement security. Governments are desperate to cash in when Baby Boomers pass on their wealth. How do you grow wealth in a world where rising taxes and market crashes are the New Normal? How do you escape a status quo heading for a meltdown? That’s why we created Crashes & Taxes - a place for everyday wealth builders like you. Hosted by Rebecca Walser, Top 100 US Advisor, a Tax Attorney and Wealth Strategist. Together we’ll challenge the status quo of crashes, taxes and politicians that keep us from growing our wealth.

Trails and Road rides and Cross Training Adventures


Along with my family, the outdoors have been my inspiration and playground all through my life. I have built my life around being active and enjoying the varying aspects of outdoor sports. As I get older, the passion is still there as strong as ever but there is a new developing desire to share my passion with others so that they to can find success in the outdoors. Giving back to the community is something that drives me and as a story teller, I look forward to learning how to tell my story in this digital age.

Cave To The Cross Apologetics


Two Christians who enjoy reading and discussing philosophy do the heavy lifting. Each episode is a discussion on a book or article on philosophy, theology, or similar subject. They disucss and break down the subject material and present it in each episode. You may have wanted to read or had some interest but were intimated by the material. Join Patrick and Tony in their book discussion breaking it down sometimes chapter by chapter. For more head over to



COVID UNDER QUESTION is a cross-party inquiry into the Government's response to COVID held on 23rd March 2022. COVID Under Question was hosted by Senator Malcolm Roberts (One Nation Federal Senator for Queensland) and attended by Stephen Andrew (One Nation Queensland State MP for Mirani), George Christensen (Federal Nationals MP for Dawson), Gerard Rennick (Federal Liberal Senator for Queensland), Alex Antic (Federal Liberal Senator for South Australia) and Craig Kelly (Federal Palmer United Australia MP for Hughes). Parliamentarians heard from a range of Doctors, experts, economists and everyday people about how the Government's response to COVID has affected them and at times defied belief. The absurdity of Chief Health Officer dictates and power hungry politicians is all laid bare. The full day's proceedings were recorded and are available here:

Neil Cross Subliminals


Vocalist, Graphic Designer & Subliminals Content Creator (Science & Technology). Hello, my name is Thiago Roda and I am brazilian. I started studying biokinesis and subliminals at the end of 2014, after listening a lot to them, and perceiving that they really works, when we give right dedication. They changed a lot my prospective of life. So I decided to help out people creating some subliminal gifts, plz enjoy its effects! I love to sing and I hope you like the catch of the songs I wanted to cover the vocals. (Neil Cross Metal) on YT! #Biokinesis (plz read description on Playlist Section) #Subliminals #Frequencies #Meditations Yours truly, Neil Cross Subliminals SOME OF THE VIDEO Animations By: AA VFX - PLZ ACCESS HERE Songs By; YouTube Content Creators. Rights Reserved. * ONLY PAID REQUESTS by PAYPAL! * Subliminal Requests Please Contact at: Subject As Urgent! or Instagram DM @ncsubliminals



THIS Channel Is Dedicated To GOD Almighty, Jesus Christ, And The Holy Spirit; And It’s For GOD Almighty’s Glory (NEVER Our Own); To Share The SAVING Knowledge Of Jesus Christ (THROUGH The Gospel Of Jesus Christ) With The World, IN ORDER TO REVEAL – GOD Almighty’s Amazing Saving GRACE, AND GOD Almighty’s FREE GIFT OF SALVATION (Which COMES ONLY – THROUGH Jesus Christ); Using, GOD Almighty’s WORD (THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH – The ENTIRE Holy Bible, And Specifically, The Gospel Of Jesus Christ; Including, Holy Bible Prophecy) As Our TEXTBOOK, While Standing Firm – On Our Biblical WorldView; WE KNOW, That Jesus Christ ABIDES WITHIN Us – Through The Holy Spirit; Therefore, Jesus Christ – WALKS WITH Us, The Holy Spirit – TEACHES Us, AND Most Importantly, GOD Almighty – WATCHES OVER Us, Always; We (The Body Of Christ, The Bride Of Christ, ALL Truly “Born Again” Fellow Believers – Children Of GOD Almighty) Are Jesus Christ’s LIGHT Upon A World Full Of Darkness (The Darkness Of Satan); Therefore, May HIS LIGHT Shine So Brightly – Through Us, That People See Jesus – NOT Us! Amen.