JAD Productions


A copulation of works that will educate, assist and/or encourage anyone involved with The Great Awakening towards a better understanding of our reality. ======= The central hub for my content is Substack. I would be honored by your subscribing to it. Show Notes are posted there as well as my Sunday Morning posts, scriptural study podcasts and more. Subscriptions are free and paid for those that desire to support my work. Subscribe at http://JADsComms.substack.com/ ======= Live Love! ======= And follow Red Pill Bait!

Calamity-Lynn Gaming Verified


I'm Calamity Lynn, also known as LynnCrox. And I want to have fun, and I want everyone to have a chance to be able to have fun, to be themselves, to enjoy hanging out and witnessing the mayhem unfold in front of their eyes, to have outstanding entertainment for them, and to have their own thoughts, so stay connected to calamity Lynn Schedule Monday 9am to 11am CT Tuesday 9am to 11am CT Wednesday @ 9am CT To 11am Ct Thursday @ 9am CT To 11am Ct Friday @ 6pm CT To 9pm Ct Saturday @ 6pm CT To 10am Ct Sunday @ 6pm CT To 9pm Ct

We are very glad that you come to our channel Gaming aadii , watch the gaming videos and subscribe! We become friends! Thank you for that! Here you can watch gaming videos Daily upload android gameplay videos.


We are very glad that you come to our channel Gaming aadii , watch the gaming videos and subscribe! We become friends! Thank you for that! Here you can watch gaming videos. ............... Daily upload android gameplay videos. ............... Our videos are always of the best quality. ............... Show your love for us and watch the video and enjoy the best time on our channel.

A Badge of Honor TV Verified


Former Secret Service LEO Samantha Horwitz and former NYPD Detective John Salerno host A Badge of Honor Podcast to highlight Post Traumatic Stress Injury recovery, wellness, and resiliency possible through training and support. Their organization by the same name works with police department mental health liasons and critical incidence management teams to provide workshops that are pivotal to successful lives and families in our communities. Call 469-232-7894 or go to ABadgeOfHonor.org to start a workshop or sponsor an officer in your hometown!

The Shulamite Podcast


The Shulamite Podcast is about discovering God anew together in Body life. Episodes are surprisingly real, refreshingly unfiltered. We\\\'re real people, in real life, with a very real God. Our topics flow from living this actual life as we follow where the Spirit leads. As you listen, you will feel more like you’re hanging out with us than listening to a sermon. These messages are not scripted but flow organically. Sit down with Martha Kilpatrick and John Enslow as they discuss many topics related to deepening our walk and pursuit of Jesus Christ. These podcasts are intended to encourage, empower & free believers unto the Lord. So go grab a cuppa & join the fellowship. We pray you experience anointed messages, giving not just another method but a living impartation.