Rumham - Shmah Hatred


Shmahs channel for RumHam Content 1.Be mindful to other chatters even if they say something u might not personaly like. We’re all frens here! 2.This is not a therapy session; it's a show for entertainment!!! I want everyone to be themselves and have a good time. Anyone who’s giving the chat bad vibes will be given a warning but if they continue then they will get banned. This applies to everyone, even subscribers. 3.No Links or self promotions in my live chat. You can do that in the appropriate channel in my discord server Merch - Linktree -



Adirondack Bushmaster is about educating people about all aspects of the outdoors, including but not limited to safety, survival, prepping, emergency preparedness, motorcycle and RV safety, preparedness and adventures, history, and our Rights, and our freedoms of all American's as well has all humanity. Sometimes testing equipment and gear. We also share our music to inspire you and encourage you, as well as special messages and news to help you be prepared to overcome all obstacles. Adirondack Bushmaster also explores what's happing in our national forests with the missing 411, and is the missing 411 because of UFO's, portals and strange cryptids in our forests like Sasquatch?

Shma Yisrael 7 Ministry


Shma Yisrael 7 Ministry teaches the following according to scripture: 1) How to come to salvation through Yeshua/Jesus our Messiah. 2) Torah (first 5 books of the Bible) is as relevant today as ever, and that we are to keep the Commandments and the Feasts of Yah. 3) How to have the closest personal and intimate relationship with Yah possible. To learn more about our ministry visit: To support us visit: