Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin Timeless Teachings


These are the timeless teachings of Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin, Founder, Kenneth Hagin Ministries ( Rev. Kenneth Erwin Hagin was born on Aug. 20, 1917, in McKinney, Texas. Rev. Hagin was sickly as a child, suffering from a deformed heart and an incurable blood disease. He was not expected to live and became bedfast at age 15. In April 1933 during a dramatic conversion experience, he reported dying three times in 10 minutes, each time seeing the horrors of hell and then returning to life. In August 1934, Rev. Hagin was miraculously healed, raised off a deathbed by the power of God and the revelation of faith in God’s Word. Jesus appeared to Rev. Hagin eight times over the next several years in visions that changed the course of his ministry. In 1967, he began a regular radio broadcast that continues today as Rhema for Today. In 1968 Rev. Hagin published the first issues of The Word of Faith. That magazine, now produced nine times a year, has a circulation of over 200,000. The publishing outreach he founded, Faith Library Publications, has circulated worldwide more than 65 million copies of books by Rev. Hagin, Kenneth W. Hagin, Lynette Hagin, Craig W. Hagin, and several other authors. Faith Library Publications also has produced millions of audio and video teachings.

Learn Every Hymn With Rev Kaspar ( Lutheran Service Book ) Verified


Music Education Outreach Ministry of Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church & Preschool, La Grange, TX; providing educational tools and modelling only the minimum unique stanzas of each hymn, hymns used by permission: LSB Hymn License no. 110005160; other copyrighted materials are used within the bounds of “fair use” as defined by US Copyright Code, Chapter 1, Section 107: this use is strictly educational and is intended to increase realized market potential for the copyright holder.

She'll Be Right


GAMEPLAYS and a Break from Clown World. - If an Australian says to you 'She'll be right mate" it simply means "It will be ok friend". The reason I made this channel is to take a break from Clown World and thought others might enjoy it too. To say the last 3 or so years has been complete BS would be an understatement and the absurdity continues. I hope to make "She'll be Right' a place you can visit without being lectured to or harassed for awhile. I plan to stream 3-5 nights a week, 8-9pm Australian time.

He's Wrong She's Right


Looking for a healthy dose of debate with a side of laughter, all served up with some marital bliss (and maybe a few arguments)? Buckle up for "He's Wrong She's Right" with Andrew Lemacks and Nóna Phelps! This podcast brings you the hottest topics, craziest arguments, and most importantly, opposing viewpoints from your favorite married co-hosts. Andrew isn't afraid to unleash his unfiltered ADHD thoughts, while Nóna brings the facts and sass. Lively discussions: We tackle everything from pop culture to current events, with a dash of personal experiences thrown in for good measure. Andrew and Nóna might be married, but they definitely don't always see eye-to-eye! Opposing perspectives: Andrew might be "wrong," but he'll make you think! Nóna will be there to set him straight, or maybe not?. Laughter guaranteed: Even when we disagree, we can't take ourselves too seriously. Join Andrew and Nóna as they explore the hilarious (and sometimes frustrating) world of marriage. Who will be right? You decide!

Call Her Daddy


Alex Cooper's Call Her Daddy is the most listened to podcast by women on Spotify. In a world prone to snap judgement, Cooper cuts through the bullsh*t with every guest and topic, asking the questions you want the answers to. Stop guessing what you're going to see on CHD each week and get ready to laugh, cry, feel, and think deeper. New episodes are released every Wednesday on Spotify. Follow along Alexandra Cooper and the Daddy Gang as they exploit the details of their lives, making you fell a hell of a lot better about yours. Relationships, social scenes, embarrassing moments, and more are all addressed on CALL HER DADDY. See you f****** Wednesday.

Elegant Natalia Sense will enchant you with her grace!


Hello Everyone! I am Natalia from Ukraine. Welcome to My Sport&Style Art Channel! I am a Creator of Yoga Art and Stretching Art. Yoga Art and Stretching Art has Become a Popular YouTube Trend Followed by Millions of Viewers Around the World and Copied by Millions of YouTube Channels! Inspired by Renaissance Beauty and Art, I am Combining as Visual Creative Arts — Stretching Skills and Yoga Exercises, Music and Fashion, Visual Design Ideas and More! Yoga and Art are the Best for Mind, Body and Soul. When Yoga is Art, Art is Yoga, Art is Our Life! And We are All — the Creators! I am Grateful to Every Subscriber of My Channel ❤️ Grateful to YouTube for Being the Best Platform in the Universe, for Being Universal Platform to Unite Hearts, Souls and Minds! I Believe Yoga, YouTube, Beauty and Art Always Unite Hearts! Support My Channel ❤️ PayPal ~ Instagram ~ My Published Books ~

She Got Away Podcast


Welcome to She Got Away, the podcast where I, Kibbi Linga, share my journey of survival and healing from the depths of Satanic Ritual Abuse, or ritual abuse. Join us as I expose the realities of this extreme form of abuse, often silenced, where criminal activities intersect with unspeakable acts of sexual abuse, using my own experience. Through my narrative, I hope to ignite conversations crucial for awareness and understanding. I'm inspired to share my story to help my own healing journey, give a voice to trafficked children, to spread awareness, and to help other survivors. This shows' audience is for those with an open mind who doesn't get triggered by hearing about evil. I'm so glad you're here, welcome. This is a bi-weekly show released at 4pm PST every other Monday!

Rev. Brandon Warr


Pastor, Father, Musician, Lutheran. On this Channel, I make fun of Bad Theology. I can be a little crass. My goal is to shock the unbiblical into thinking. Brainlets need not apply. Politics are discuss sometimes. Church History is referenced. Church Fathers are quoted often. Anyone who is against Liturgy and the Orthodox historic practices of the Church Catholic will be given over to the corn. The Lutheran Church IS the Western Catholic Church. Papists and Forest Hobos will soil their pants.