International Language Focus


RSLOnline - International Language Focus is a great way for students to learn a foreign language and to explore different cultures. The program is fun, interactive, and easy to use. Students can learn at their own pace and in their own time. Here are some of the benefits of RSLOnline - International Language Focus: Students can learn a foreign language in a fun and interactive environment. The program is designed for students of all ages and levels. The program provides a variety of resources to help students learn the language of their choice. The program is flexible, and students can choose how much time they want to spend on each activity. If you are interested in learning a foreign language, I encourage you to check out RSLOnline - International Language Focus. It is a great way to learn a new language and to explore different cultures.

Pain market research reports and survey results Verified


This channel highlights presentations of reports published by Pain Insights to better understand the needs of patients with pain, paint a picture of the patient journey, review key trends in the management of pain, and to provide insights supportive of the development and commercialization of innovative analgesics addressing key unmet needs. Pain Insights was founded in 2001 to offer marketing strategy consultation and market research services exclusively in the area of pain management. Senior management closely monitors developments in the management of pain. This ongoing surveillance, coupled with extensive experience, provides the principals with the knowledge and context to make analytical and well-reasoned assessments of current and future market trends and potential opportunities.

Cats, Dogs and Other Friends


Welcome to 'Cats, Dogs and Friends' – Your Ultimate Source of Animal Adoration! 🐾🐕🐱 Join us on a heartwarming journey through the lives of our furry companions and their incredible stories. From mischievous kittens to loyal pups, and a cast of other charming critters, we're here to celebrate the unique bond between humans and their beloved pets. Get ready for a wild ride of laughter, love, and unforgettable adventures with our four-legged friends. Subscribe now to embark on a paw-sitively delightful experience that will leave you smiling from ear to ear! 🌟🐾

eTechTV - Tech Talk & Edutainment Verified


eTechTV is a global technology content provider that produces and distributes niche content via the eTechTV website and is syndicated through numerous web, mobile, OTT, social media, and other syndicated outlets. The shows are presently produced at its production studios based in New York City.\n\nThe mission of eTechTV is to educate and entertain its viewers from all walks of life keeping them updated on current events, news, products, and trends in the technology sector. Additionally, eTechTV produces on-demand educational "How To" type content geared towards educating viewers about using the latest in technology to improve their lives whether it be in their business or at home.\n\nFor the true technology aficionado, eTechTV produces special unique shows and documentaries covering the history of technology featuring major technology pioneers and industry leaders from the past and present. \n\nThe shows are produced hosted by its founder, Rich Garboski who has spent the last 43 years around technology starting as a teenager in the 1970\'s designing and operating a licensed ham radio station. For the last 35 years, Rich has been an independent technology consultant for specializing in Information Technology infrastructure and applications, IP Telephony, Voice & Data Security, Internet/Cloud Infrastructure and e-business applications. Previous to eTechHelp, Rich worked in the corporate sector in telecommunications, data communications/wide area networking and Wall Street financial systems servicing the enterprise markets. \n\neTechTV features several show formats delivered via print stories, video webcasts, podcasts, and live streaming with interactive chats with it\'s viewers. Our show formats presently include;\n\neTechTV - A general informal roundtable featuring special guests and contributing correspondents and journalists.\neTechTV News - 22 Minutes of news, current events and commentary.\neTechTV For Business - Video content, podcasts and print stories geared towards the business consumer.\neTechTV@Night - A late night entertaining style format featuring the leaders of technology.\neTechTV For Kids - Home Education Programming for kids.\nTech Hall of Fame@eTechTV - Special interviews featuring technology pioneers and innovators.

The Time is Now, The Place is Here


We swear by the Southern Cross to stand truly by each other and fight to defend our rights and liberties. Lest we forget: They went with songs to the battle, they were young, Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow, They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted, They fell with their faces to the foe. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. The role of infantry is to seek out and close with the enemy, to kill or capture him, to seize and hold ground and to repel attack by day or night, regardless of season, weather or terrain.