Scooter Tramp Scotty - Only Gypsy Road Stories


On the road since the spring of 1995, these are the stories of a full-time motorcycle drifter’s life. On those first long rides my spirit came alive in a way that eluded home life completely. The search for a way to stay gone indefinitely began. But it was not a hardship life of sleeping in city parks I sought, but hoped instead to engineer a way that was comfortable enough to work as a fulltime lifestyle. There were many lessons, some extremely hard won, but over time, and with the use of 100 unorthodox techniques, I eventually achieved that objective very well. In the spring of 1995, I left to see if it was possible to stay gone for a year and have been on the road full time ever since. When engaged in such a life, the plethora of unavoidable and unplanned adventures that will always cross one’s path seem endless. This channel is simply a culmination of these experiences.

The Scholar Gypsies


Description Welcome to the Scholar Gypsies. My name is Gerry O'Neill and I am a writer & publisher on Substack of The West's Awake. The Scholar Gypsies is an interview series with creatively minded people from Ireland and around the world. The channel is inspired by a verse from the Matthew Arnold poem The Scholar-Gipsy " And near me on the grass lies Glanvil's book— Come, let me read the oft-read tale again! The story of the Oxford scholar poor, Of pregnant parts and quick inventive brain, Who, tired of knocking at preferment's door, One summer-morn forsook His friends, and went to learn the gipsy-lore, And roam'd the world with that wild brotherhood, And came, as most men deem'd, to little good, But came to Oxford and his friends no more " I am new to video publishing so have patience with me! You can subscribe to my written content and podcast on Please click the link below to check it out