Ursachenforschung Gtz


Ursachenforschung Gtz (seit 21.o3.2016) Informationswebseite zur AB~Änderung der NWO Pläne ^derenirrAgenden^! Besser, zur Entwicklung einer rechtschaffen(d)en wahrheitsliebend natürlich wertvollen & lebenswerten Welt, im Sinne aller fühlenden Lebewesen. Schutz, Erhalt, so wie Förderung zur freien gesunden Entfaltung, der natürlich biologisch all~um~fassen~den "Mutter" Natur. Grenzen-los, denken ... ohne Gewähr Ursachenforschung Gtz [gtz] INHABER: stefan [götz] ART>Kunst der Philosophie SINN>„Liebe zur Weisheit, linguistisch/&kybernetische Ent(d)wickelung" LEBENDERKLÄRUNG: fühlend~lebendig~lebend, beseelt sittlicher mensch mit Herz ,positiv lebensbejahend - körperlich fit, frei denkend mit gesunden Geist, bei klarem Verstand. Nur Sein, besteht durch sich allein, stefan(m) geb.bio-deu~ger./er~blickt 11.o4.1967 in/zu Nürnberg 49° 28' 9.999" N 11° 6' 35.935" E aR.i Verweis: PB>MOTU PROPRIO vom Papst Benedikt XVI 2013 so auch: ganz(!)außer der: BAR >{12 Rechtsvermutungen} - - - Kaffeekasse ... ☕🍩 Direktlink👉 https://buymeacoffee.com/UrsachenforschungGtz

OrangeStang Gaming (Online Slots / FC 25 / Call of Duty Warzone / GTA)


EA FC Career Mode / Call of Duty Warzone Content Creator. Thank you so much for stopping by! I am a gaming content creator who enjoys entertaining others. I enjoy EA FC 25 and making realistic Career Mode content as a manager and my own Be a Player. I also love to play Call of Duty Warzone, when it's not broken, and Ranked MWIII. I mainly started making videos on YouTube and gained 170K subs in under a year, now wanna try to add streaming to the mix and bring more entertainment to other! Follow my social media outlet

GTA GamePlay


GTA GamePlay Channel and The Daily Rant Channel For Fun, GTA 5, Video Games, Complaints, Freedom, Expression, And So Much More. Let's have some GTA 5 fun with our boys Michael, Trevor and Franklin. Grand Theft Auto V. Let's do this ................Are You Watching Ned Luke, Steven Ogg & Shawn Fonteno. Just Another Rant About Stupid Things. And a Lots of stupid funny Jokes. We Can Do Better Than This. Absolute Clown World. In Our Funny Video's, Do We Drive Muscle Cars Fast, We Do Play A Lot Of Video Games, Do We Complain and Mock Justin Trudeau, Do We Laugh At Sleepy Joe Biden, Do We Tell Bad Yet Funny Jokes, Yes We Do It All, Join Us For A Lot Of Fun And Laughs. See You Soon ........ Also On Our Channel, Lots Of #youtubeshorts #shorts Please Like and Subscribe To My Channel, Thanks For Watching .....