The Ben Armstrong Show Verified


The Ben Armstrong Show is all about truth. Ben is a proud Christian Conservative. That means if you are a Communist or a anti-American, you will hate him. Everyone else will love his show. We live in a world filled with fear and intimidation so that the truth won't be spoken. Ben Armstrong says the things others are afraid to say.. You will receive information and truth to arm you against the lies. Watch every weekday on SEE YA!

Gemstone Earth Media Alliance


Welcome to the Rumble channel of the GEMSTONE University. We have developed some of the most comprehensive educational models to understand the true nature and structure of the world system and how it operates today. This goes back thousands of years to the roots of today's global legal, monetary, corporate and religious system. Along with the education we have developed practical solutions for achieving freedom, privacy and the proper capacities to be able to have a real effect in changing the world system to one that works for all beings. For more information have a look at our two web sites:

Herbert W Armstrong Library


Herbert W Armstrong Library3.15K subscribers Description Herbert W. Armstrong founded the Radio Church of God in the early 1930s, as well as Ambassador College in 1947; the Radio Church of God name was changed to the Worldwide Church of God in 1968, he was an early pioneer of radio and television-evangelism, originally taking to the airwaves in the 1930s from Eugene, Oregon. Mr. Armstrong preached an eclectic set of theological doctrines and teachings that came directly from the Bible. This website contains material written by and broadcast by Herbert W. Armstrong.



About I am Mat Armstrong from Leicester UK. Follow me as i build & modify cars. I dont really specialise in any manufacture of car, neither am i professionally trained, just a regular guy winging it as i go along restoring each car with my own personal touch (even if that means getting the angle grinder out) I hope my content brings a smile to your face and maybe inspires you to get on the spanners yourself. There would be no point in me listing what car i own at the moment as i switch and change so often, but you are likely to see Audi's, Mercedes, VW, Maserati's, Bentleys & more. I do like German engineering but im not scared to give the others a try 😆 At the end of the day im here for a good time & never take things too seriously so enjoy!! Mat Armstrong