The Inn of Planar Crossroads


Greetings and Salutations, Travelers. The Inn of Planar Crossroads creates content revolving around the Tabletop Roleplaying Game (TTRPG) hobby community, and is run by Adam; a father, preacher, wellness professional, farmer, rancher, and all-round Lawful Good guy. Back in 2017, after making videos for one of (if not the) largest independent TTRPG YouTube channels of the time, began releasing videos of his gaming sessions with friends, thus The Inn of Planar Crossroads was born. Before too long it branched out into other things like podcast style chats, then Lore videos, and gradually became the multimedia content producer it is today. The journey was slow, but Adam always maintained that it was perseverance that would lead to true success. We hope that you will come travel the multiverse with us. And, as always have a great day, God bless, and enjoy.

History Crossroads


Welcome to History Crossroads, where the past meets the present! Dive into the captivating stories, pivotal moments, and influential figures that have shaped our world. From ancient civilizations to modern milestones, History Crossroads explores the events that define humanity's journey. Join us as we uncover hidden tales, analyze key events, and connect the dots between history and today's world. Subscribe to History Crossroads for engaging documentaries, insightful discussions, and a deeper understanding of our shared heritage. Together, we'll traverse the crossroads of time, illuminating the paths that lead us forward.

Relive History - Delve into the fascinating crossroads of technology and storytelling, reviving enthralling historical tales through high-resolution, photo-realistic visuals.


Welcome to Prophetic Past! Here, we delve into the fascinating crossroads of technology and storytelling, reviving enthralling historical tales through high-resolution, photo-realistic visuals. We present a diverse array of content, spanning from gripping historical documentaries to contemporary incidents, featuring a myriad of genres and themes designed to keep you immersed and entertained. Whether you’re a history enthusiast or a connoisseur of rich storytelling, we extend a warm invitation for you to subscribe to our channel and embark on this enlightening journey with us. For any queries or collaborations, please reach out to

Exploring the Crossroads of Science, Storytelling, and the Esoteric


Dive into the vast universe of Arcspana, where ancient wisdom meets cutting-edge discoveries. With a key forged from timeless knowledge, we unlock the doors to mysteries that span science, technology, and the esoteric. Each video invites you on a journey through the known and unknown, guided by the emblematic infinity-looped key. Join us and expand your horizons, as we explore the intriguing crossroads of yesterday's secrets and tomorrow's revelations. Discover, question, learn. Welcome to Arcspana. Arcspana [ärk-spä-nə] noun A broad stretch of arcane knowledge: Derived from the words "arcana" (secrets or mysteries) and "span" (a period or length of time; the full extent of something), Arcspana emphasizes the vast, continuous exploration of mysterious or specialized knowledge. An extensive exploration of mysteries: The term encapsulates the vastness of secrets, wisdom, and esoteric teachings that one can explore, stressing both the breadth and depth of such an exploration. Usage: With Arcspana, one embarks on an expansive journey through esoteric realms. Note: The word "Arcspana" was coined to define the expansive realms of esoteric knowledge.