The Ball Is Wild


Things I find that I think are worth sharing with others. Ask questions, share thoughts, use discernment, make up your own mind. Almost never will any single piece contain 100% Truth. Almost never 100% Bunk. I try to stick to posting things that seem to me as being More Truth than Bunk. A good signal to noise ratio. Congregate; connect, record, share. 'Commonwealth Township Australia' on Discord (Limited Use Invite) GAB: Mirrors

Survive In The Wild ✔️


I got my first pocket knife when I was five years old and since then my passions in life have always revolved around the outdoors. My focus is not on having the latest and greatest gear. Most of the gear I use I have had for many years and I try to pack as little gear as possible. Bushcraft is about using what nature provides to live comfortably in the wilderness. A lot of the essentials and comfort items can be crafted from natural materials using the right tools and knowledge. Forget the overloaded packs, expensive camping gear, and the never ending production of useless outdoor "essentials". Join me on my wilderness adventures where the frills are left behind and the outdoors are simply enjoyed. I do not do gear reviews. I do not do product sponsorships. I am not an expert. Some activities I do can be dangerous. Replicating what you see me do could lead to dangerous situations that could put your health and safety at risk. Viewers be warned.