

The WriterDojo is different than most other writing advice podcasts out there- our primary purpose is to cut through all the bad advice and help you tell stories that people want to read (& get you paid in the process.) This is advice on becoming a Professional Writer from two very knowledgeable Professional Writers- Steve Diamond & Larry Correia. Readers will find plenty of interesting tidbits as well and may come away with new insights into what goes into creating the stories they love and a new appreciation for writing of all sorts.



Sejam bem-vindos (as) ao Canal do Jova l Conteúdos: - Análise de jogos (Pós Jogos). - Análise da escalação (Pré Jogos). - Notícias, opinião e informações sobre o mercado da bola. - Interpretação de personagens fictícios. - Brincadeiras e entreterimento. Vídeos diários com a apresentação do Jova Tricolor (Sérgio). Welcome to the Jova l Channel Contents: - Game Analysis (Post Games). - Lineup analysis (Pre Games). - News, opinion and information about the football market. - Interpretation of fictional characters. - Jokes and entertainment. Daily videos with the presentation of Jova Tricolor (Sérgio).

Goons Army Punk Rock Band Verified


GOON'S ARMY formed in Southern California in 1997 by frontman/vocalist Sergeant Bloodfest and guitarist Commander Paranoia. The band went through several line up changes featuring a long list of *soldiers*. Commander Paranoia's younger brother, Captain Tormento later joined the band for sometime and later followed by former drummer, Major Death. The everchanging line up would later introduce Corporal Decay on guitar, Lieutenant Hooligan on drums, Colonel Kuputz on bass. In 2016, Captain Tormento rejoined the band along with a third guitar player they call Major Massacre. Lieutenant Hooligan took up vocals alongside Sergeant Bloodfest. The duo singers are known for engaging their fans with wild stage antics and love to make a spectacle of themselves! Check the Goon's Army on: Spotify https://open.spotify.com/user/goonsarmy