Practical Spirituality


Real spirituality is based on one's own effort to experience the truth. Experience is gained by expanding the capabilities of our consciousness. That is the purpose of our life and the purpose of these videos: to give us practical tools for the development of our consciousness. This channel is a free public service, available to anyone, worldwide, without restrictions, memberships, dues, etc. It is made possible by Glorian Publishing, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization in the United States.

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam


Jovem Casal Católico. Sejam bem-vindos. Nós somos a Inês, 19 anos, e o Rafael, 21 anos. Criámos este canal com o intuito de incentivar a oração e a contra-cultura nestes tempos modernos, relembrando a Mensagem de Nossa Senhora em Fátima. Desejamos, também, santificar-nos e, quem sabe, ajudar na santificação do próximo através do exemplo, o qual deve ser a base de toda a pregação. Aqui, encontrarão partilhas sobre como vivemos, a forma como pensamos, análises a livros e ao estado do mundo, e também algumas conversas. Santo Inácio de Loyola, rogai por nós São Pio V, rogai por nós São Pio X, rogai por nós Nossa Senhora de Fátima, rogai por nós

To Glorify God and Enjoy Him Forever

1 Follower

On this channel run primarily by myself (James Sherman), and by my wife (Rebecca), we aim to make Christ preeminent in everything we speak for or against, because we believe that Jesus is Lord, His Word is true and that He died on the cross 2000 years ago for the sins of the world, was buried, and resurrected on the third day so that those who believe in Him might not perish but receive eternal life. Because we believe this we logically then must believe that everything other belief we hold branches off from the first and foremost root of God's Truth which can be found in scripture. It's our prayer that we can make God bigger to you and help us all continually realize that Christ is always first in everything.