

Metal lathe, milling machine, and machine shop work in my DIY garage home shop! Join me while we explore and learn about the incredible art of machine work. Machinists are the unsung heroes of our modern society. Somewhere, at the beginning of just about every modern convenience that we enjoy, is a skilled machinist. Whether it be making the tools we use, molds, parts, patterns, or any other number of essential tasks, machinists make the world go round. We will explore the roots of this great and noble profession in manual machining, and eventually even learn some of the modern magic of CNC machining! Who am I? I'm a hobby machinist, with a passion for old machine tools and manual machining. I am here to share and learn. Being self taught, much of my limited knowledge, has come from others sharing their experiences online, just as I am doing now. My hope, is that by putting my work in front of much more knowledgeable machinists, we can all learn something new together.

Smell the Inside of Your Nose.Do it Right Now


Most of the time I write a story and podcast it on the same day. I find it very interesting what comes up. I encourage you to try it. Your brain is always trying to tell you something. I'm Commercial Herschel, and I'm here to help. Find my stories at substack, and my book at https://ycr.info. Evoking questions for your ™Smartbrain to ponder. 20-30 minutes, tops. Great for waking up from sleep or getting ready to sleep. https://commercialherschel.substack.com. To sign up for email updates, subscribe to https://commercialherschel.substack.com. It's free, and you have access to everything I do there. Thank you very much. You shine like a STAR. You are not insignificant. You are not a meaningless speck in space.

Project Kirschwasser


Description I started this channel to document the strip down, repair and rebuild of my 1980 VW MK1 2 Door. We\\\\\\\'ve come a long way but there is still alot of work to do. I am planning to include some how to guides and rebuild tips later on. Updates will be coming in the future, subscribe so you don\\\\\\\'t miss out. Unfortunately, I am not in a position to post on a set schedule yet, but there are plans in the future to have at least 1 weekly video in the new year. More than likely late Saturday evenings or late Sunday afternoons. I might upload more frequently as things really get going with the re-assembly. If you would like to contribute parts or professional services lets get in touch. Any and all advice welcome.