Gemstone Earth Media Alliance


Welcome to the Rumble channel of the GEMSTONE University. We have developed some of the most comprehensive educational models to understand the true nature and structure of the world system and how it operates today. This goes back thousands of years to the roots of today's global legal, monetary, corporate and religious system. Along with the education we have developed practical solutions for achieving freedom, privacy and the proper capacities to be able to have a real effect in changing the world system to one that works for all beings. For more information have a look at our two web sites:

Gemma Jade


I'm a psychic knower, Intuitive Oracle reader, and seer and lifelong medium. I used to deny my abilities but not anymore and I started this channel as a safe space for people just like me and for those who are just curious and seeking to understand that beyond which our eyes can see. I'm a spiritual healer and light worker, and I just want to encourage others to be who they truly are and get in alignment to live their best lives. I'm also a writer and best-selling author, mainly of paranormal nonfiction. There's so much more to me than all of this, so check out my channel and my livestreams and contact me if you'd like to or if you have any questions. Love, light, and so many blessings to you. Always remember, kindness and love are the key. They're literally all that there is. Muahz