Adım Farah - Brasil


Adim Farah (Meu nome é Farah) Sinopse: A série conta história de Farah (Demet Özdemir), que teve que fugir de seu país e luta para sobreviver com seu filho ilegalmente, testemunhando um assassinato involuntariamente e suas vidas se cruzando com Tahir Lekesiz (Engin Akyürek), a quem conheceu na mesma noite. Como na série original, o assassinato que Farah testemunha mudará drasticamente sua vida, pois posteriormente ela se torna uma faxineira do crime organizado. Fazendo o melhor de sua perspicácia e inteligência, Farah criará seu próprio caminho no submundo do crime, fazendo o que for preciso para sobreviver.

Barry Farah Show


If you\\\'re under 40 years old, if you\\\'re a truth-seeking Millennial or Gen-Z-er, the Barry Farah Show is for you: This show is all about freedom; and your freedom means everything. In this episode, Barry Farah recounts the historical evils of socialism; how its ultimate plan is to erode all personal liberty. Not only is socialism evil, envy-driven, violent and bad for our health, it is bad for our minds, will and emotions. It\\\'s bad for our souls. There is a way forward though, and Barry Farah enthusiastically arms listeners with data, science, history and logical thought, in order to equip the Millennial and Gen-Z generations to lead the way. You won\\\'t want to miss this episode, as Barry seeks to equip you with tools to confidently believe in the goodness of moral strength, and to know that your freedom rights are granted by God, not government. If you\\\'re truth-seeking, you will be prepared to defend and promote what is right and just and true.



Hi! welcome to Farah's cooking. You’re going to love cooking with me! Join me on my cooking channel as I’ll teach you how to make the best meals you’ve ever tasted. I’m going to teach you how to make breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert. I’ll also teach you how to make a few drinks. I have a few secrets that will have you cooking like a pro in no time. My recipes are easy to follow and easy to make. You can even follow along with me as I make them in my kitchen.

Jonah M. Saller


Jonah belongs to the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA) as an Anglo-Catholic Christian. He confesses the Holy Scripture, the seven ecumenical councils, and the three catholic creeds (Apostles, Nicene, and Athanasian) as the standard for orthodox Christian belief and practice. Jonah also subscribes to the 39 Articles of Religion as a reflection of Anglicanism's local expression of the catholic faith. Jonah's primary desire is to bring a greater unity to Christ's one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church through promoting what he has labeled "Mere Catholicity." He believes that when Christians forsake their tribalism for truth, the Church will indeed become one as our Lord prayed for. Jonah has been heavily influenced by both Eastern and Western fathers. In particular however, St. Thomas Aquinas has had a profound influence on Jonah's theological trajectory. Jonah's modern theological influences include Peter Leithart, Douglas Wilson, Bishop N.T Wright, Peter Kreeft, the Caroline Divines, and the leaders of the Oxford Movement. Jonah is happily married to his wife Megan and currently studies theology academically at Moody Bible Institute. Jonah has been involved in ministry in various forms for over a decade, working in youth ministry, worship ministry, and teaching ministry. Jonah is currently pursuing Holy Orders in the ACNA and further theological education. His ministry has reached hundreds of thousands of people with online videos, podcasts, and various writings.

High Carb Hannah | Recipes, Weight Loss, and Healthy Living


I have lost over 70 pounds following a whole foods plant based diet and I have shared that entire journey here on my YouTube channel. My main focus is helping people achieve their best health through both mind and body. I focus on eating whole foods, mainly potatoes, rice, beans, and other starches in their least processed state. I make recipe videos, what I eat videos, meal plans and talk about the many other aspects of living a healthy life including positive thoughts, self love, healthy relationships, motivating yourself, living minimally and doing the best for not only our selves but the environment, animals and people on this planet as well. Thanks for watching!