Liberty Forum Of Silicon Valley Verified


We are the largest, most successful grass-roots liberty-minded group in California. As such, we are the place for liberty-loving patriots from Silicon Valley and beyond to gather, share ideas, and become empowered. ​ We promote the principles of American liberty through education. We provide a forum with prominent speakers every month and other opportunities throughout the year for people to join together in the cause of liberty and freedom, contributing our efforts to activities that preserve America as the highest beacon of freedom, individual rights, and responsible free market entrepreneurship.

China in Focus Verified


"China in Focus" is a new Youtube channel created by NTD to provide viewers with fast, compelling, first-hand news from China. NTD is a New York-based, global television network founded in 2001 by Chinese-Americans who fled communism. They understood that independent media are crucial to a free society. So they created NTD to bring the world uncensored and truthful information—no matter the cost. We remain free from all external influence—whether from political, financial, or special interests, and cover stories that others don’t. Our arts and lifestyle programs embody universal values, and celebrate the best of humanity’s culture and traditions. NTD is part of Epoch Media Group.

Four Boxes Diner Second Amendment


The Four Boxes Diner serves up hot, fresh Second Amendment news and analysis. You’ll get the inside scoop from constitutional attorney Mark W. Smith, a member of the United States Supreme Court Bar, a professor, a frequent Fox News guest, and a New York Times bestselling author. Mark's books include The Official Handbook of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, First They Came for the Gun Owners, and Duped: How the Anti-gun Lobby Exploits the Parkland School Shooting, and How Gun Owners Can Fight Back. To defend your liberty, you need to understand the “four boxes” of American liberty: the soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the ammunition box. We give you the information you need, and we hope to serve as your source for Bill of Rights news and analysis. Use of this channel and the viewing of its videos are subject to the Disclaimers set forth in the videos and on

Forum Borealis


POLITICS - SCIENCE - PHILOSOPHY - CULTURE - HISTORY - Forum Borealis is a paradigm expanding podcast conducting old school longform CONVERSATIONAL in depth interviews. We explore controversial, marginalized, innovative, obscure, anomalous, & system critical topics within history, culture, philosophy, science, & politics with the most interesting authors, scholars, researchers, & freethinkers of today. Our programs are chronologically arranged in different series collected in separate playlists (see All programs are gratis & listener funded. Please consider supporting our work and help cover costs by subscribing to our channels, liking & sharing our posts, & disabling ad-block at our vids. Subscribe to our website ( and get direct access to all shows before public release + various bonus & backstage clips. Thanks.

Freedom Forum USA


Freedom Forum USA exists to promote Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Truth. We are an aggregate channel offering clips from the best in conservative politics and news analysis of current events. We believe America is at the crossroads. This is a pivotal time in history when those who cherish freedom and the American dream must stand up and be counted. Stand up for something or you will fall for anything! "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men [and women] to do nothing." -Edmund Burke #Trump2020 #GodBlessAmerica #KeepAmericaGreat

Fourth Watch Files with Carl Crew Verified


Fourth Watch Files is hosted by Carl Crew, known as the Barnum of Burbank Blvd. He is the founder of the California Institute of Abnormalarts in North Hollywood, which is a circus themed freak show night club, focusing on the extreme and unusual. Carl is also an actor, screenwriter and filmmaker, starring in the movies Jeffrey Dahmer: The Secret Life and Blood Diner, an underground cult classic. Carl takes a look at a wide variety of unusual topics, including Bigfoot, UFOs, secret societies and conspiracy theories in this new show exclusively on Freedom First Network.