Leo Hohmann


Investigative reporting on globalism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism and where politics, culture and religion intersect. Follow my work here: Website: https://leohohmann.com/ Substack : https://leohohmann.substack.com/ Order my book Stealth Invasion here: https://tinyurl.com/57w8pft4 Please support my work - USPS, snail mail to: Leo Hohmann P.O. Box 291 Newnan, GA 30264 Or Credit card through my GiveSendGo: https://www.givesendgo.com/LeoHohmann LeoHohmann.com is 100 percent reader supported, which makes it independent of the state-influenced, corporate funded mainstream media.

Bill Hillmann


Training a Retriever with Bill Hillmann The most important part to training is to develop a relationship with your dog that will create a bond and a partnership. This will be based on respect and kindness and that will last forever. Bill\\\\\\\'s method of retriever training works with ALL types of retrievers and gun dogs. His videos will guide you in training with a solid and balanced foundation and mild remote training collar reinforcement. \\\\r\\\\n"They can all do it ... you just have to bring out the best in them."\\\\r\\\\nBill has trained the most High Point Derby dogs in the history of AKC Field Trials. He has been credited with scoring more total derby points than any other retriever trainer in history. He has developed more than forty Field Champions, numbers AFCs, double header winners and two National Amateur Retriever Champions. \\\\r\\\\nVideos: DVDs and streaming are available at: www.hawkeyemedia.net



Zvanični Rumble kanal\nBALKAN INFO je nezavisna medijska produkcija osnovana u junu 2015. godine u Beogradu. Tu smo kao glas svih koji ne žele da budu deo kratkotrajnih projekata i saveza, svih onih koji poštuju srpske tradicionalne vrednosti i koji čuvaju sećanje na naše slavne pretke. Hrabri smo i odlučni u želji da se odupremo svima koji žele da okupiraju Srbiju i od nje stvore koloniju, a narod pretvore u bezlične poslušnike tuđih država i korporacija.\n\nHvala Vam puno što pratite naše emisije i što nam pišete Vaše predloge i sugestije kako da emisiju učinimo još kvalitetnijom. Sa nadom da će nas u ovoj pravednoj i plemenitoj borbi biti više, pridružite nam se i kontaktirajte nas na office@balkaninfo.me

Dhar Mann


Hi, I’m Dhar! I’m a mission-driven entrepreneur and filmmaker focused on ideas that have a massive positive impact on the world. The videos I create have resonated with so many that now over 49 million people follow me on social media and are part of my #DharMannFam. My team and I at Dhar Mann Studios have created hundreds of videos about life, business, and relationships that have been viewed over 20 Billion times! Drawing from my own personal experiences of success and failure, I strive to create powerful messages that resonate with global audiences. My mission for creating content is simple: We’re not just telling stories, we’re changing lives.