My Self Reliance
52,814 FollowersLog Cabin Building, Woodworking, Bushcraft, Survival Skills, Cooking, Canadian Wilderness exploration, Off Grid LivI'm Shawn James, a passionate outdoorsman living the life of my dreams in a log cabin that I built by myself in the Canadian wilderness. Join me and my golden retriever, Cali and listen to the sounds of the forest in this relaxing wilderness setting. I prefer to keep my talking to a minimum and let the natural sounds of nature make you feel as though you are there with me. MY SHAWN JAMES CHANNEL - MERCHANDISE - Mailing address (regular mail): 51 King William Street, P.O. Box 30017 Huntsville ON P1H 0B5 Address for courier My Self Reliance 200 Manitoba St., Unit 3, Suite 415 Bracebridge, ON P1L 2E2
Spencer Cornelia
23,984 FollowersElijahFire
15,889 FollowersWelcome to ElijahFire - a show that exists to help you grow deeper and burn bright for the Lord. Join our host, Jeff Tharp, as he discusses happenings in culture, prophecy, as well as the big issues of today, all with a biblical perspective. Every week he is joined by a variety of guests, ranging from prophetic voices to creatives and beyond! Catch us live every Monday - Friday at 2 p.m. PT / 5 p.m. ET and get ready to LEVEL UP! ElijahFire is presented by our parent channel, ElijahStreams
15,616 FollowersThis is the official Clip Channel for ElijahStreams
8,449 FollowersElijahForce is a brand new show under ElijahStreams. We’re so excited to launch this show and bring a new dimension of spiritual gifting to our viewers! Much of ElijahForce will be focused on prayer/intercession, the seer gifting and discerning of spirits, and utilizing our spiritual gifts in our everyday lives. We want our viewers to feel powerful – that YOU can make a big impact right where you’re at and shift atmospheres all around you. We will be taking on topics such as: prayer for specific topics, nations, culture, and whatever the Lord puts on our heart to pray for the current hour; helping you activate your spiritual gifts including seer gifting, discerning of spirits and how you can utilize them in your everyday lives. The Lord gave specific key words and visions for this show including Romans 16:20: “The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. YOU our viewers – are a FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH!
Cornelia unfiltered- episodes
2,603 FollowersCornelia unfiltered episodes with research- citizen journalist- unbiased news! The best is yet to come! Language- Swedish and English For collaborations please contact me on or support me on swish on +46763055789 Paypal: Visit my homepage:
Dr Lovy L. Elias
948 FollowersDR. Lovy L. Elias is the Pastor & founder of Revelation Church LA.
Holly Celiano & Chris Real World
842 FollowersLucius Aurelian
723 FollowersA channel dedicated to exploring the mysteries and overlooked truth of human existence. We embark on a journey of self-discovery through looking at our own experiences, methods of entertainment and the way we see our existence. All material is intended for entertainment purposes only. You may find this content causes you to reconsider your life and your assumed role within your life or you may simply reinforce the belief that you have been on the correct path all along. You can restore the world by looking into yourself.
607 FollowersMySelfReliance
530 FollowersSelf Reliance & Independence
527 Followers11 shows, 15 unique hosts, broadcasting daily on topics like prepping, homesteading, freedom and self reliance. Are you afraid of these uncertain times? We can help fortify your home and your family.
520 FollowersGHEliason
505 FollowersAurelianRO
496 FollowersCorneliaunfiltered
448 FollowersNature Reliance School
438 FollowersNature Reliance School is at the forefront of outdoors education for safety and survival. We offer free videos here on youtube as well as we have an incredibly robust Online Membership course with videos, downloadable files and much more. Check it out here:
Cornelia unfiltered- H I G H L I G H T S
277 FollowersCornelia unfiltered HIGHLIGHTS Cornelia unfiltered- citizen journalist- unbiased news! The best is yet to come! Language- Swedish and English For collaborations please contact me on or support me on swish on +46763055789 Paypal: Visit my homepage:
Sonia Elijah investigates
231 FollowersIlluminating interviews from investigative journalist Sonia Elijah
Dr. Elisa Peavey
185 FollowersI am a physician, business owner, speaker, and spiritualist who is speaking out against the Vaccine as I feel it's not only dangerous but deadly. My videos break down the science to show you EXACTLY what's happening to so many. Please share with all friends and loved ones! Visit my website at for more information about me, my work, and what I help others accomplish.
177 FollowersThe Elijah Report
145 FollowersThe Elijah Report
138 FollowersMycelial Mamma - New Earth Propagation
131 FollowersBrigitte explores open source energy modelling through the metaphor of the mycelium. Having worked with psilocybin for a decade she weaves together concepts with the intention to co-create & propagate new earth energies within the Krystic values of the LAW OF ONE.
Miss White Hat - Cornelia unfiltered in English
130 FollowersCornelia unfiltered-citizen journalist- unbiased news! Cornelia unfiltered´s channel in english! The best is yet to come! Homepage: Follow Cornelia unfiltered på Telegram:
The Study Of Stuff - Mano Elia
111 FollowersThe Study Of Stuff Podcast is made up of two segments. 1. The Album - (indicated by Vol. 1) is part podcast, old school radio show, music album and variety show filled with skits. Think of it as a mix of Sesame Street, Muppet Show, Frank Zappa, Tom Waits, Nakho Bear, Monty Python, Alan Watts, J Krishnamurti and George Carlin all mixed in a blender. 2. Interviews - Your host Mano Elia interviews public figures, authors, thinkers and artists on subjects ranging from geo politics, physics, alt history, metaphysics, spirituality, philosophy, psychology, archaeology, conspiracy theory , the occult etc...
Cornelia & G. Strand
93 FollowersCornelia & G. Strand - medborgarjournalister och patrioter. Vi stöttar Q och Trumps arbete med att rensa i träsket i Sverige och världen. Vi sänder live varje söndag kl.19.30 Tack för att ni stöttar vårt arbete: Strand: Swish +46701832701 Strand Paypal: Cornelia Swish: +46763055789 Paypal: Patreon: Följ oss i sociala medier: X
80 FollowersRaelian Movement
79 FollowersWhat if, out of the thousands of UFO sightings that occur each year, one person actually met the occupant – the “driver” of one of these UFOs? And what if this person were given information by this space-being that explained the secret history of life on Earth and its pending future? And, what if all this information had been published decades ago and acknowledged by thousands of people, including scientists and historians? Wouldn\'t you like to read that book? You can download it free at
72 FollowersElijahclips
62 FollowersThe Shaman's Corner with Jane Celia Hatch
61 FollowersShaman, Writer, Journalist, Natural Healing From MK Ultra, Mind Control, Targeting and the Secret Space Program. Exposing Satanism. Also, Herbal Remedies, Flower Essence, Crystals, Reiki, Workshops, Save The Children And You Will Save The World. website:
61 FollowersFinancial Self Reliance
57 FollowersDo you ever think about money? Do your debts keep you up at night? Do you wonder if you’ll ever be able to save and invest? Do you wonder if you will make it to retirement? Do you have enough of the right kind of insurance? I am a licensed financial services professional in CA, I am a Certified Financial Education instructor, CFEi. For almost 20 years I have helped people just like you find answers to their financial questions. There are a lot of videos on YouTube about investing, insurance, budgeting and managing money. After watching dozens of them I knew I needed to create a channel where people could get the truth about money. Financial Self-Reliance is here to help individuals and families develop empowering beliefs and emotions about money, teaching them the necessary skills to become self-reliant, build wealth and live a life of abundance. Don’t let others do for you what you can do for yourself. Take back control, become financially self-reliant! Subscribe today!
50 FollowersLuciusAurelian214
46 FollowersKornelia Lein - Human Right Defender - free Journalist
42 FollowersMenschenrechtsverteidigerin gemäß Leitlinien der EU & Declaration on Human Rights Defenders 53/144, Artikel 1 & 25 Grundgesetz sowie der bay. Verfassung Artikel 84 sowie aller aus radifizierten völker- & menschenrechtlichen Verträgen entstandenen vertraglichen Bindung des Freistaats Bayern & der Bundesrepublik Deutschland sowie der Europäischen Union oder anderer Vertragspartner Ich bin auch als freie Journalistin gemäß Artikel 5 GG tätig sowie der neuesten Rechtssprechung VG Minden AZ 1 L 729/23 tätig. Ich habe weitere Videos auf meinem Rumble Video Kanal & auf telegram mehrere Gruppen. Sollte mein Kanal hier gesperrt sein, findet Ihr mich dort. Wer meine Arbeit unterstützen will kann mich mit einer Zuwendung unterstützen & mich direkt über meine Kanäle kontaktieren. Mehr dazu oder an eine Nachricht schicken
Livin' The High V.I.B.E. Life
38 FollowersHigh Vibrational Living for Manifesting Your Best Life What does it mean to live a high-vibrational life? Aligning with your authentic self and your power over your thoughts and personal frequency to live in a state of high vibration and positive mindset! The HIGH VIBE™ Show is your opportunity to learn some of the best kept secrets for embracing an empowered mindset and effective techniques to be a creator of wellbeing with your health, relationships, finances and spirituality. Together, with my guests, who are experts in the art of High Vibe living, you can expect to gain information and the techniques to create and manifest the life you want! Let us help you experience the joys of living life at a high energy frequency and ignite the spark within you to have F.U.N. - Frequency Upgrades Now - to live the life you’ve always imagined. The High Vibe Show focuses on ‘High Vibrational Living’ bringing the science and physics of vibration and frequency into a user-friendly space with humor, fun, and inspiration! As a Holistic Behavioral Coach, my work includes helping people Raise Vibrations by ‘Hitting The Restart Button' on all aspects of their lives in order to be happier, healthier, and make a difference in the world! Featured on the #1 positive talk network, streaming live on and TUNE IN EVERY 1ST & 3RD MONDAY OF THE MONTH ON TRANSFORMATION TALK RADIO:,427.html Website: For Media & Guest Appearance Information: