The Enemy Within Docuseries Verified


THE ENEMY WITHIN, a 3-episode true crime, psychological docu-thriller, dives into the mind of one of the most controversial CEO’s of all time. Patrick Byrne, the founder/CEO of, rose to the height of financial success and was once heralded as a Wall Street prophet and the “Bitcoin Messiah” by Wired Magazine. However, in 2019, Byrne seemingly slipped into madness— he quit his position as Overstock CEO and claimed he was a government asset, being used by the “deep state” in a game of domestic espionage. Spinning tales of trysts with an alleged Russian spy, FBI initiated bribes against presidential candidates, and failed attempts to alert the powers that be to the cancer metastasizing throughout the halls of American power-- Byrne eventually finds himself sneaking into the Oval Office during the last days of the Trump Presidency-- and unwittingly becomes embroiled in the darkest political day in recent American history—January 6, 2021. Inspired by the Academy Award winning documentary THE FOG OF WAR by Erroll Morris, THE ENEMY WITHIN asks the question-- are there dark forces within government using people like Patrick Byrne to control world events? Or has our culture become a place so ripe for conspiracy that we become a threat to society-- our own worst enemy?

The Democracy Fund


What do we fight for? Constitutional Rights: To advance and maintain substantive constitutional rights in Canada, through public education and strategic litigation seeking legal remedies for victims of constitutional rights abuses. Advance Education: To advance education by establishing a journalism placement program that provides post-secondary journalism students with opportunities to obtain on-the-job skills training required to complete their education program. Relieve Poverty: To relieve poverty by providing health supplies and other necessities of life to impoverished families in disaster-stricken and other needs-based areas including Iraq, Hong Kong, China, Syria or elsewhere. Funding Democracy: To receive and maintain a fund or funds and to apply all or part of the principal and income therefrom, from time to time, to qualified donees within the meaning of the Income Tax Act (Canada).

The World Is A Lie Sweden


We are through the one true non trinity G-d exposing the worlds three biggest lies and showing the true non trinity and non preexistent by G-d exalted man Messiah Jesus of the Bible that G-d has given us for our salvation and there is a war of satan in hiding the true Messiah Jesus that the churches and "jehovas witnesses" and New age are promoting and leading man away from his salvation. This temporary life is a trial for G-ds coming eternal kingdom that will soon be here on earth. THE THREE BIGGEST LIES - Who G-d is (The unbiblicalTrinity that is Sun-Worship and A unbiblical Pre-existent "jesus" that is a gnostic religion) - Earth "form" and cosmology (New Age Sun-worship cosmology "Helio-centrism" and worship of the CGI-Ball/"Baal") - Earth age (Evolution/Darwinism) G-ds 7000year salvation plan micro to macro 7days creation of the world and the total length of his plan where 1day is as 1000years in the Bible and we are now in the end of 6000years and the Millenial reign is coming For more info: See more of our videos at Youtube: If you want to give a gift through Patreon:

Prepared Airman official


This ls a channel based all on my current knowledge, my opinion and of my hobbies. Mainly outdoor equipment military gear and cars.This experience comes from 10 years of Active duty with several deployments, Eagle Scout with 11 years of Scouting. Along with years of hunting and fishing. Dont expect hard core super professional videos here I am just wanting to educate and have fun. The views and opinions presented herein are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of DoD or its Components. Appearance of, or reference to, any commercial products or services does not constitute DoD endorsement of those products or services. The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute DoD endorsement of the linked websites, or the information, products or services therein. Application ID is #1210553.