The Classic Metal Show | Chris Akin Presents


Welcome to THE CLASSIC METAL SHOW and CHRIS AKIN PRESENTS on Rumble! This channel features all the best in metal, hard rock and uncensored comedy and commentary. In case it's not obvious, all statements made on THE CLASSIC METAL SHOW and CHRIS AKIN PRESENTS are merely the opinions of the hosts, their guests and their callers. No statement made on the show is said as a fact, but offered as merely the opinion of the person stating it. Deal with it, crybabies!!

Nova Scotia Free Speech Bulletin Podcast Verified


This channel is for all the podcasts , I have done and will continue to do so ! I have interviewed, doctors, nurses ,funeral embalmers. Governments on all levels have lied to you! The WEF and all levels of governments are involved in a genocide with vaccines that are killing people, 15 minute cities, AI and much more. A big thank you to awake Canada for providing all of the podcasters for this platform to get the word out. I have fought a previous battle ( Sunday Shopping) to which some people may not agree with. I firmly believe this is all tied in to the Transhuman movement. If you want to move in that direction you do away with the day of rest, people going to church. You then divide the people and play them off against one another. This was the case with Sunday shopping. Using the media with brainwashing propaganda repeating the slogan that Sunday shopping was great for people wanting to shop an extra day. Telling people that someone at a restaurant or a call center had to work. What's the difference? You can see the divide. The government could have legislated the day off for other occupations as well. BUT this is just a little piece of the puzzle. With Covid a bioweapon they played the vaccinated off against the unvaccinated. Closing churches down while you could go to a box store and be safe. But not in that church or a restaurant. Pushing the vaccine on you by bribing you or forcing you to take it or lose your job. Point is the government has always divided us. Murder is serious , something has to be done about it. Our freedoms are at stake. The mainstream media has been paid off in the millions by our prime minister Justin Trudeau. Our podcast with many others on social media need to be heard not silenced with Bill C 11. This is not Canada that we all love. Please watch our podcasts and share them with everyone you know.

Raison d'etre: Citizen journalist, history anarchist and anarcho-syndicalist.


Fuck TV / corporate journalism - the machinery of fascism. "Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public Relations" - George Orwell. "If money comes into the world with a congenital blood-stain on one cheek, capital comes dripping from head to foot from every pore, with blood and dirt" - Karl Marx (Capital, Volume one, Chapter 31: Genesis of the Industrial Capitalist). 'True revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love'- 'Our every action is a battle cry against imperialism, and a battle hymn for the people’s unity against the great enemy of mankind: The US' - Ernesto Che Guevara. Satyagraha ( “holding onto truth”) concept introduced in early 20th century by Gandhi to designate a determined but nonviolent resistance to evil. ‘Poverty Is The Parent Of Revolution And Crime’ – Aristotle Banned by CIAtube - 'Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?', Latin phrase found in the work of the Roman poet Juvenal from his Satires. It is literally translated as "Who will guard the guards themselves?". 'On doit des egards aux vivants; on ne doit aux morts que la verite. We should be considerate to the living; to the dead we owe only the truth. Letter to M. de Grenonville (1719) - Voltaire. 'To ignore Evil is to become an accomplice to it' and 'It is simply my way of saying that I would rather be a man of conviction than a man of conformity. Occasionally in life one develops a conviction so precious and meaningful that he will stand on it till the end'- MLK Jr. Needs: Egalitarian, classless, stateless, humane society of sustainable and communal living for all. Zapatistas Everything for everyone and nothing for ourselves. The revolution will not be televised. Let love set you free, we are all one. Member. Until workers of world, unite - world-strike as one, together - solidarity of all race: Then all we are is slaves to fasci corporatism - the machine. #FreePalestine from #ApartheidIsrael #BDS #ClassWar #DirectDemocracy #NoOneIsIllegal #NoBorders #AllRefugeesWelcome #MoneyequalsDebt. #EndDebt #Anarchosyndicalism #AntiWar #BantheBomb #EndWars Peace and Love is the power.

Metal Smasher Gaming


Hi, I'm MetalSmasher, and gaming has been a lifelong passion of mine, ever since the NES came out around the time I was born. And with the passion of video games comes the passion of recording video game walkthroughs and helping others through trouble spots. My parents bought our first NES for themselves around the time my brother was in kindergarten and I was just born, but as we grew up, we got sucked into it as well, and the rest is history. This channel will mainly focus on the nostalgia of the golden age of gaming, but I will go into the modern era as well to show off all eras of gaming as much as possible. I will also spice things up by doing self-imposed challenges, and playing random online matches with viewers, friends, and just randoms. Videos will be uploaded every day. One main series on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, another main series on Tuesdays and Thursdays, a one-off on Sundays, and random videos of whatever I feel like on Saturdays!

PeculiarPineTreePlays Minecraft Livestreams Verified


On August 24, 2021, I became the world's first Rumble channel to do weekly Rumble-exclusive Minecraft livestreams! --------------------------- Why? I believe in the mission of Rumble, and want to do everything I can to help Rumble succeed and become a strong competitor to currently incumbent platforms. In order to do this, Rumble needs a wide variety of content, (both political & non-political), across a wide variety of niches. At the time I joined, political content was already plentiful on Rumble (as well as cat videos, lol). But non-political entertainment-focused Minecraft content was not. --------------------------- My Mission: To provide good clean fun, through the best, lighthearted, fun, entertainment-focused, clean language commentary, Minecraft videos & livestreams I can: 1. For you guys to enjoy! :D 2. To help spark the growth of the Gaming/Minecraft niches on Rumble! 3. To help grow Rumble as a whole! And to keep learning & improving as I go! --------------------------- Channel Timeline: - November 28, 2020, First upload to Rumble (livestreaming didn't exist yet) - August 24, 2021, First livestream on Rumble (streaming was still $25/month). Rumble exclusive livestream. - September 2022, Locals Minecraft Server began. - October 2022, My first (Hermitcraft-style) Minecraft Let's Play video on Rumble. ▶ - January 31, 2023, Follower milestone: 250 - May 2023, First (experimental) cartoon-style/Let's-Play hybrid video. ▶ - October 19, 2023, Follower milestone: 500 ---------------------------- New to Rumble? Is Rumble the best place for YOUR gaming channel? 🤔 Check out my vid: "Comparing The Growth: A Gamer’s Six Months Review. Rumble VS YouTube VS Twitch Livestreaming" ▶



LYRICS ] Rock & Metal Hits – 24/7 Nonstop Music | Best Rock & Metal PLAYLIST: Tracks#rockmusic #metalmusic Welcome to MNZTube – your go-to place where rock and metal live 24/7! 🎸🔥 On this channel, we offer nonstop heavy metal, hard rock, classic rock, and much more. Whether you enjoy explosive guitar solos, powerful rhythms, or catchy choruses, this is the right place for you! Join our active community and discuss the best moments in rock and metal with fellow fans. Every day, you'll find new music videos, live performances, and special shows that bring you straight to the heart of rock music. Check out our curated playlists, created for different rock and metal subgenres. Our channel is full of energy and passion – just like the music you love! Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and hit the bell icon so you never miss new videos and live streams! Join MNZTube and enjoy the world of rock!"** #Music #metalmusic #rockmusic #metal #rock #MetalMusic #RockMusic #HeavyMetal #HardRock #ClassicRock #MetalCommunity #LiveMusic #RockAndRoll #MusicVideos #Headbanging #GuitarSolos #RockVideos #MusicLovers #NonstopMetal #NonstopRock #MusicStream #RockVibes #RockLegends #MetalHeads #24HourMusic

Wood, Metal, Everything


I DIY because I have found the results to be better, less expensive and more satisfying. \n\nWe all cringe when we need to pull out our wallets to pay for work, and it breaks our heart when the work is not quite up to par. \n\nIf that has been your experience, like mine, Subscribe and realize that if I can do it, you can too! \n\nDIYTyler \nPO Box 293 \nArmada, MI 48005 \n\nDisclaimer: I\\\'m not an expert so don\\\'t do what I do, all content is shown for the sole purpose of entertainment and is not intended for educational purposes in any format. Anyone choosing of their own free will to reenact or recreate any of this content assumes all personal liability and or responsibility by doing so. Woodworking especially with power tools is very dangerous and can result in serious bodily harm or even death, therefore proper education and training is advised.



DIE LETZTE GROSSE OFFENBARUNG JESU CHRISTI EIN GEWALTIGES WERK für Suchende, Unwissende und Zweifler .... „Im Anfang war das Wort …. Ein Tedeum dem Schöpfer Himmels und der Erde…. Ihr Alle seid Seine Geschöpfe, die Ihm einst verloren gingen …. Und Er wird nicht ruhen, bis Er alle Schäflein zurückgewonnen hat ….“ Mit diesen Worten begannen die Offenbarungen Gottes an Bertha Dudde am 15. Juni 1937, die am 17. August 1965 mit der Kundgabe 9030 als Siegel den Abschluß fanden. Es ist ein gewaltiges Werk, das durch deine Mitarbeit zustande kommen soll, und es werden dereinst die seltsamsten Meinungen gebildet werden über den Ursprung des Werkes, und man wird vermuten, daß alle Schriften nur in der Weise entstehen konnten, daß durch eine Konzentration in ganz bestimmter Geistesrichtung sich die schriftstellerische Begabung ausbildete und alles Entstandene nun also gewissermaßen die Folge dieser gedanklichen Konzentration sei .... und ein Wirken übersinnlicher Kräfte nur krankhafte Einbildung des Schreibenden war. Nun bereitet jedoch der Herr etwas vor, das auch jenen Zweiflern zu denken geben wird. Er leget zahlenmäßig fest den Gesamtumfang des Werkes .... Es werden 9000 Kapitel erstmalig den Menschen geboten, die alles hinreichend erklären, was dem Menschen nötig ist, um selbst wieder unterweisen zu können die Unwissenden. Als Jesus auf Erden wandelte, sprach Er vom Reiche Gottes, von einem Reich, das nicht von dieser Welt ist .... Er sprach nicht von weltlicher Macht, Er sprach auch nicht von einer kirchlichen Macht, von einer Organisation; Er sprach auch nicht von Männern, die an Gottes statt herrschen sollten über Seine Gemeinde; .... Er sprach nur zu Seinen Jüngern: "Gehet hin und lehret alle Völker ....“ Er gab ihnen den Auftrag, die Menschen zu unterweisen in Seiner Liebelehre, und Er versprach ihnen Seine Mitwirkung, so sie in Seinem Geist verblieben .... Denn sowie sie Liebe lehrten, mußten sie selbst in der Liebe leben, und also war der Herr Selbst mit ihnen, Der die Liebe ist. Wo aber die Liebe regieret, ist jede herrschende Gewalt unnötig .... wo die Liebe regieret, dort dienet einer dem anderen, und wo die Liebe regieret, dort sind Gebote unnötig, es sei denn, das Gebot der Liebe wird den Menschen gepredigt, das Gott Selbst gegeben hat. Das Gesamtwerk nebst Themenheften wird kostenfrei abgegeben, denn GOTTES WORT IST KEINE HANDELSWARE!!! "Umsonst habt Ihr es erhalten, umsonst gebt es weiter" FÜR DIE ZEITEN ohne STROM und INTERNET!! DER KLUGE MENSCH sorgt vor!!! DAS GESAMTWERK von BERTHA DUDDE in chronologischer Reihenfolge der OFFENBARUNGEN JESU in 81 Bänden gibt es bei: Hans-Willi Schmitz Bernardin Strasse 47 47680 GELDERN Tel: 02838 - 2948

Jamie Tree


A financial and digital minimalist attempting to retire young. A blend of self-improvement, finance and adventure videos. Join me on my journey. The videos we make on this channel focus largely around various types of investments - ASX stocks, US based stocks as well as cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. We analyse and look at various other analysts and figures in the space, look at how they are valuing investments and analyse and predict ourselves. We also throw in some humour videos of when people get it wrong, missing investments or missing the mark. (See Mark Cuban Bitcoin and Ethereum predictions and Ray Dalio Bitcoin predictions ;) ) Enjoy my videos and have a great day! - Jamie Tree "He who works all day, has no time to make money."

Google Trends USA


Welcome To Google Trends USA In summary, if you're looking for the latest and greatest in entertainment news in the United States, then look no further than our trending entertainment news YouTube channel. We are your go-to source for breaking news, exclusive interviews, in-depth analysis, and fun commentary on the latest trends and stories in the entertainment world. So subscribe to our channel today and stay informed and entertained! Click Here And Watch It : 📧 -