Stadia Dispatch


Stadia Dispatch, formerly CFSM Media, was created in order bring you a personal perspective on what\'s happening in So-Cal and now Arizona. Currently we are a three man team. We try to report on as many events as possible. Major news networks broadcast short videos for one main reason. Saving room for advertisements. Sadly this means details are left from reports. You deserve to know what is going on around you, that\'s why we purposely show long videos. We\'d like to know what you think and what sort of events you\'d like to see covered. You may contact us through email or directly through YouTube. For more information visit our website below. DISCLAIMER: Our team does this as a hobby and any video we upload is our own perspective on events and does not reflect the views of our individual employers, nor should they be construed as such.

Stadium Champions, we take you on an exciting journey to the heart of sports,

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Welcome to the channel "Stadium Champions"! Here at Stadium Champions, we take you on an exciting journey to the heart of sports, revealing everything you need to know about the top players, teams and tournaments that ignite the excitement of millions. We give you a thorough analysis of the most important matches, diving into the details of the strategies and tactics that make each match an amazing show. Join us to discover behind-the-scenes success stories and inspiration and stay up to date with the latest sports and events news. Whether you are a fan of football, basketball, or any other sport, here you will find content that meets your passion and provides you with an unforgettable sports experience. Sign up for Stadium Champions and always be ahead of sporting events with our fun analytics and comprehensive coverage!

RESIDUAL: Cumulative Trauma and PTSD in First Responders


RESIDUAL is a documentary film focusing on how cumulative trauma and PTSD, sometimes referred to as PTSI or PTS, are dramatically affecting our nation’s law enforcement officers, firefighters and EMS personnel. Utilizing in-depth testimonials, the program will illustrate how to recognize the debilitating symptoms of post-traumatic stress and offer steps in how to manage these symptoms through a variety of treatment methods.