Nova Scotia Free Speech Bulletin Podcast Verified


This channel is for all the podcasts , I have done and will continue to do so ! I have interviewed, doctors, nurses ,funeral embalmers. Governments on all levels have lied to you! The WEF and all levels of governments are involved in a genocide with vaccines that are killing people, 15 minute cities, AI and much more. A big thank you to awake Canada for providing all of the podcasters for this platform to get the word out. I have fought a previous battle ( Sunday Shopping) to which some people may not agree with. I firmly believe this is all tied in to the Transhuman movement. If you want to move in that direction you do away with the day of rest, people going to church. You then divide the people and play them off against one another. This was the case with Sunday shopping. Using the media with brainwashing propaganda repeating the slogan that Sunday shopping was great for people wanting to shop an extra day. Telling people that someone at a restaurant or a call center had to work. What's the difference? You can see the divide. The government could have legislated the day off for other occupations as well. BUT this is just a little piece of the puzzle. With Covid a bioweapon they played the vaccinated off against the unvaccinated. Closing churches down while you could go to a box store and be safe. But not in that church or a restaurant. Pushing the vaccine on you by bribing you or forcing you to take it or lose your job. Point is the government has always divided us. Murder is serious , something has to be done about it. Our freedoms are at stake. The mainstream media has been paid off in the millions by our prime minister Justin Trudeau. Our podcast with many others on social media need to be heard not silenced with Bill C 11. This is not Canada that we all love. Please watch our podcasts and share them with everyone you know.

Organic Consumers Association Verified


OCA educates and advocates on behalf of organic consumers, engages consumers in marketplace pressure campaigns, and works to advance sound food and farming policy through grassroots lobbying. We address crucial issues around food safety, industrial agriculture, genetic engineering, health freedom, children's health, corporate accountability, Fair Trade, environmental sustainability, including pesticide use, and other food- and agriculture-related topics.

Social Network & Learning Platform


What Offers You: 1. A Social Network in Exopolitics, ExoSciences, PsiSciences & Exopolitics, a platform that you can use to develop a social relationship with others with similar thoughts and personal interests, backgrounds, real-time connections or career activities in Multidimensional Knowledge; 2. A Free Introductory Course in Exopolitics, ExoSciences, PsiSciences, and Spiritual Sciences with 24+ free classes in Exopolitics, ExoSciences, PsiSciences, and Spiritual Sciences 3. Exclusive Courses by our world-class Faculty in Exopolitics, ExoSciences, PsiSciences, and Spiritual Sciences

National Socialist Black Metal


NSBM/Black Metal/Neofolk/RAC/Classical/Dark Electronic/Witchhouse from European nations. Currently putting the stuff from my odysee channel here. Much more stuff on Odysee: SLSK Username: whitemuzak "He who loses the arts loses the culture" --Francis Schaeffer “We have art in order not to die of the truth.” –- Friedrich Nietzsche “Music is the answer to the mystery of life. The most profound of all the arts, It expresses the deepest thoughts of life.” -- Arthur Schopenhauer Sun Wheel on the Helmet of Steel Once shone the European Sky The smashing force of hellborn beast The will that no one could resist In Fire The spirit was Born In Fire All weakness has gone... In Fire The battle took place In Fire We forged our Race Legions of Vengeance are growing fast... Proudly return from glorious past The time has cured deep bleeding scars And our sun again will Rise... --Capricornus "Sunwheel on the Helmet of Steel" From a National Socialist pamphlet titled "Americanization would mean the end of Europe!" 1943: "Small and great cultura achievements that we have inherited from past generations and further developed would be taken from us, because the enemy envies them. Jews would once again take over all areas of life and the witches’ dance that we eliminated in Germany in 1933 would return to an even greater degree. Everything holy to us would be mocked: Mother, heroes, God, Glorification of the Negro. Women transformed to girls, Filth and smut for children and adults. Corruption of all areas of culture and life. The arts and sciences will lose their place to the pure practicality of architecture and technology and there will no longer be music in Mozart’s sense. Only one civilization, the American, will rule the world".