Dr. Edward Group


Dr. Group is a world-renowned natural health expert, best-selling author, and frequent guest on radio and television. Seeking to share the TRUTH on an uncensored platform, he is disclosing the information that the medical industry does NOT want you to know. As a healer and alternative health advocate, Dr. Group has dedicated his life to helping others. Dr. Group’s mission is to identify and eliminate the root cause of disease. He is the founder and CEO of Global Healing, an industry leader and innovator in the field of natural health. Through his company and his media appearances, Dr. Group is spreading his message of positivity, hope, and wellness throughout the world.

Christian Warrior Training


If you love guns and you love Jesus, you're in the right place. The Christian Warrior is focused on giving you the knowledge and skills to protect your church. We do this by giving you shooting drills, qualification standards and training ideas. If you have a love for our Lord and Savior and have a capacity to protect your fellow man, then you are in the right place. Romans 13:4 #securitytraining #securityyourchurch #churchdefensetraining #ministrysecurity #schoolsecurity #churchsecuritycameras #ministrysecurityvideo #securityclasses #selfdefenseplanforchurch #churchselfdefensetips #securityteam #security,training #selfdefensetraining #securityguard #church #activeselfprotectionextra #activeselfprotection

Defender Of Ants


In a small suburb in the middle of Chicago , aye man ,was caged & stripped naked for growing medicine. For 118 days I shared cages with rapists , murders and the FBIs most wanted . Although close , I was never broken , and with a conviction of righteousness I learned the law , and fought back. For 38 months i fought tooth and nail to not spend half a century in a cage...and aye, man, overcame it without council , creating a feral man , more free then any man you have met and that man was.......the DEFENDER OF ANTS 🐜 🐜 🐜 🐜 🐜 🐜 🐜 Hahaha. I'm playing I'm Scottie , track me down and give me a hug . Let's destroy the mainstream media's propaganda

Defenders LIVE with Lora Thorson Verified


Our mission is to grow defenders both on and off the range. We advocate for personal responsibility, encourage personal growth and help people develop competency with context through education. We cover everything from mental toughness to fitness to techniques on the range and everything in between. Defenders LIVE is affiliated with Defenders USA, a defensive training company founded by Adam Winch and hosted by Lora Thorson, a Defenders USA instructor.