2,170 FollowersUncensored and well-sourced news on geoengineering, weather modification, pollution, privacy, and propaganda.
The Climate Realism Show
1,365 FollowersThe Heartland Institute's channel for it's flagship program combatting climate alarmism, The Climate Realism Show.
Climate realism
1,158 FollowersPushing back against the climate scam
Data Trumps Consensus
742 FollowersThere is no climate change emergency -- just a climate education emergency.
Espacio de difusión de las ideas de la libertad
576 FollowersEntrevistas, periodismo, investigación, difusión, resistencia al relato único, anti-globalista, soberanista
Mundo Polarizado - Olimpio Araujo Junior
501 FollowersO Mundo Polarizado é um canal de notícias sobre política, economia e atualidades que mostra tudo o que a grande mídia ESCONDE DE VOCÊ. Somos uma empresa de comunicação independente que não recebe financiamento público e nem de nenhuma empresa ou instituição, e não temos nenhum vínculo partidário. Vivemos e investimos a partir da colaboração de nossos usuários e membros, e da monetização pelo YouTube, por isso precisamos de seu apoio para continuarmos com nossa missão de levar conteúdo de qualidade para todo o Brasil.
Climate Change Facts by Dr. Patrick Moore
417 FollowersClimate facts presented by PhD Ecologist and Greenpeace Co-Founder Patrick Moore.
Climate Scam
275 FollowersHow To Beat The Canada Revenue Agency - Eliminate Income and Corporate Tax
149 FollowersCANADA'S NUMBER ONE TAX EXPERT! STOP PAYING TAX IN CANADA NOW! Kevin J. Johnston has earned the reputation as Canada's foremost authority on INCOME TAX and CORPORATE INCOME TAX STRATEGIES. With over four decades of experience in defeating the Canada Revenue Agency and attacking government bodies that hurt the public, Kevin J. Johnston is the right choice to solve your Tax Problems. The Canada Revenue Agency HAVE NO AUTHORITY IN CANADA, and they commit crimes every day when they threaten Canadians. Kevin J. Johnston gets them to BACK OFF and get your taxes complete so that you OWE NOTHING! The LAW of the land states that you DO NOT HAVE TO GIVE THE CRA MONEY, you only have to fill out their forms, so come to Kevin J. Johnston and get them filled out the right way, and sit back, relax, and enjoy spending your money because you won't be giving it to the Canada Revenue Agency. Book your 1 Hour Consultation NOW to GET RID OF THE CRA!
Climate Truth
111 FollowersScientific Facts on Climate Change
92 FollowersClimate Change, Geo Engineering, Weather Modification
86 FollowersWeather Manipulation Or Climate Change
60 FollowersGeoengineering, which is a large-scale intervention in the earth's oceans, soils and atmosphere with the aim of reducing the effects of climate change, is a HUGE HOAX. The truth about weather manipulation has been hidden from the world, but now the truth is finally being revealed. We know now that the deep state use weapons to causing horrific consequences - earthquakes, wild fires, blizzards, hail, volcanos, tsunamis, floods, mud slides, tornados, hurricanes, drought, etc. They also use chemtrails (seeding the clouds) supposedly to block out the sun (climate change is a hoax), which we need to survive, spraying toxic chemicals in our air, poisoning people, animals (where' PETA?) agriculture, and nature. They have even attempted melting polar ice caps. In the past, the military weaponized the weather for warfare, are using radar beam anamolies, intensifying storms, and using sound waves. Blackguard and Vanguard loves catostopic weather manipulation and uses the deep state government claim land via emminent domain. The deep state will not achieve their agenda. Thw MSM will no longer use predictive programming against us. They will continue ramping up weather warfare until they are indicted and/or executed. They will also continue the war on our food, internet control mechanisms, account lockouts, blackouts, etc. This war is in its final stage and the White Hats are gaining control of their weather weapons. God wins; they lose.
Coach/Independent Pyramids/Obelisks & Climate Change Researcher
Climate Cult / GeoEngineering / Chemtrails
54 FollowersClimate Cult / GeoEngineering / Chemtrails There is no climate emergency
51 FollowersThe Climate Intelligence Foundation (CLINTEL) is an Amsterdam based not for profit organisation who acts as a watchdog on climate science and climate policy.
Leftism is a Cult/Cancer, WEF, Climate Change, Bongino Clips, etc
50 FollowersThe Left Destroys/Ruins Everything It Touches. Other misc clips about the elites of the WEF, the Great Reset, Climate Change, Dan Bongino clips, etc.
The Climate Hoax
50 FollowersBusinessClimate
46 FollowersClimate. Facts. Unique. Scientific
40 FollowersFacts and data comparison on the natural causes of climate change unrelated to human activity, on an independent platform organized by volunteers of the Creative Society Project from 180 countries around the world. Disasters on the planet are escalating, and everyone on Earth already understands that the climate is changing. Global climate change on Earth is predominantly a derivative of astronomical processes and their cyclicity. But why do the mass media tell us that humans are to blame for climate change? In 2022, a scientific report was published: "It's Inevitable | Scientific Report Has Opened the Eyes of the World to the Truth About Climate." There are detailed descriptions of the progression of climate disasters and accurate predictions of events in the near future. On this channel, we will be posting facts that validate the mathematical model outlined in the climate report. Join us in spreading the truth about the causes of climate change and the way out for humanity!
Anthropogenic Climate Doom Skeptic
36 FollowersAfter months of work, finally my 12 part package, Human Caused Climate Change? A Skeptical Look at the Narrative, has gone live. It is 12 separate PDFs (each one related to a different topic) that offer information and views skeptical of the mainstream “settled science”, “consensus” climate change narrative. Go to the Climate Change ??? page of my website to read more and to look at and/or download all or any of the 12 PDFs: It links to many sources, among them some videos. I created this channel to assemble most of them in one place. Also check out my other Global Coup related work at:
30 FollowersParaGov Climate Warfare
21 FollowersDelves into the manipulation of weather as a weapon and the global climate change agenda.
The natural environment or natural world encompasses all living and non-living things occurring naturally, meaning in this case not artificial. ... This environment encompasses the interaction of all living species, climate, weather and natural resources
17 FollowersPeople seldom find absolutely natural environments on Earth, and naturalness usually varies in a continuum, from 100% natural in one extreme to 0% natural in the other. More precisely, we can consider the different aspects or components of an environment, and see that their degree of naturalness is not uniform.
Espacio Multifacético
16 FollowersHola a tod@s y bienvenidos, aquí venrán videos de todo tipo en general, espero les guste.
16 FollowersClimaTempoRj
14 FollowersEliminate Depression and Anxiety
11 FollowersBrake the stigma of Mental Health, and Learn how to heal and find Happiness.
11 FollowersThe Conservative Climate Change Brothers
10 FollowersEducating the public on worldly climate change issues that affect sustainability
10 FollowersClimate Scams
8 FollowersA channel focusing on gathering material that clearly shows that the "settled science" isn't at all settled.
7 FollowersClimate cycling hiking
7 Followerscycling hiking and conversation about climate trends and solar activity
The Climate Con
7 FollowersThe Climate Con
6 FollowersEL IMPACTO "THE IMPACT" es un documental innovador, basado en una extensa investigación independiente sobre las actividades de una red transnacional de organizaciones terroristas que revela por primera vez los métodos de manipulación masiva y las conexiones entre grandes eventos mundiales como los ataques del 11 de septiembre, la epidemia de tiroteos en las escuelas, la tragedia de Waco, la guerra entre Ucrania y Rusia, la inminente amenaza del dominio global del Cuarto Reich, la creación de modernos campos de concentración para prisioneros de conciencia y el genocidio invisible que está sucediendo ahora mismo. Se está librando una guerra oculta por el futuro de toda la humanidad, cuyo campo de batalla es vuestra propia conciencia. En esta guerra, la principal estrategia del enemigo de la democracia es implementar sus planes a través de vuestras acciones, influyendo en vuestros pensamientos, decisiones y acciones con técnicas de manipulación calculadas con precisión. Como resultado, sin siquiera daros cuenta, os convertís en traidores a vuestro país, a vuestro pueblo, a vuestros hijos e incluso a vosotros mismos, simplemente por caer bajo la influencia del ataque encubierto del enemigo. "THE IMPACT" revela métodos ocultos de manipulación de la conciencia pública mediante ataques terroristas informativos: campañas dirigidas y organizadas, llevadas a cabo a través de los medios de comunicación y destinadas a desestabilizar a la sociedad en su conjunto. El resultado: disturbios civiles, protestas, revoluciones y guerra civil. Esto es más que una película, es el documental más crucial desde la derrota del nazismo. Es la clave para entender nuestros tiempos. Un rompecabezas que une todas las piezas. Hasta ahora, solo has visto fragmentos, pero después de ver esta película, la imagen completa se aclarará. Prepárate para una revelación global, el triunfo sobre un enemigo invisible y el amanecer de una nueva era. Una era donde prevalecen la libertad y la democracia. “EL IMPACTO” es una película que no sólo habla de la historia sino que la cambia. Mira “El IMPACTO” ahora y descubre las verdades ocultas que cambiarán para siempre tu perspectiva del mundo. ____________________ "Si se nos quita la libertad de expresión, podemos quedar mudos y en silencio, como ovejas, en camino al matadero". — George Washington, primer presidente de los Estados Unidos de América. Aviso legal. Los creadores de "THE IMPACT" han producido esta película, dedicando su tiempo y recursos para garantizar que esta información crucial llegue a una audiencia global. Este es un proyecto no comercial impulsado por un compromiso con la libertad de expresión, los derechos humanos universales y la preservación de la democracia. Se permite copiar y utilizar el video completo o fragmentos parciales, siempre que se conserve el significado original y se cite la fuente. TODOS LOS EPISODIOS DEL DOCUMENTAL “EL IMPACTO” 00:00 INTRODUCCION 00:05:34 CAPÍTULO 1: El plan global del enemigo El arma del enemigo es el terrorismo El terrorismo global oculto La influencia de los actos de terrorismo informativos en su salud Cómo los actos de terrorismo informativos desestabilizan a la sociedad 00:35:55 CAPÍTULO 2: Red terrorista transnacional de organizaciones anti sectas Mecanismos ocultos de incitación al odio Lavado de cerebro Desprogramación Des programador Rick Alan Ross Anti sectas Steven Hassan Centro ideológico de grupos anti sectas Los medios de comunicación son cómplices de los terroristas anti sectas Las actividades terroristas anti sectas de Alexander Dvorkin La influencia de los anti sectas en las agencias de aplicación de la ley Esquema criminal de los terroristas anti sectas Cómo defender sus derechos y libertades 02:44:19 CAPÍTULO 3. El anti sectas como una nueva forma de nazismo El nazismo nunca ha desaparecido 03:10:34 CAPÍTULO 4: Crímenes de anti sectas contra la humanidad Genocidio y Holocausto El caso Falun Dafa: Terror en China El caso “Ucrania” 04:12:28 CAPÍTULO 5: La morada del anti cultismo El caso “Rusia” La guerra de civilizaciones 04:59:07 CAPÍTULO 6: Cómo se fomenta la guerra civil en Estados Unidos Mecanismos de provocación artificial de incidentes de tiroteos en escuelas por parte de representantes anti sectas Formas de prevenir tiroteos en escuelas El caso “Waco” Papel de los medios de comunicación en la tragedia de Waco Secuelas de la tragedia de Waco Atentado con bomba en Oklahoma City 08:05:16 CAPÍTULO 7: El juicio Reparaciones La conclusión de SHIELD
6 FollowersClimateLens
5 FollowersCatchPTSD - Eliminate PTSD with Clinical Hypnotherapy
4 is a grouping of elite clinical hypnotherapists worldwide, capable of eliminating PTSD using clinical hypnotherapy, the same methods used in WW1, WW2 and Vietnam.