The Real Ascended Masters Teachings


Spiritualism Australia Limited, is a not-for-Profit Public Charity dedicated to educating mankind about the reality of the survival of mind and consciousness beyond the death of the brain. We provide the ancient Teachings of Higher Spiritualism which came from the Elders of our Race, the Immortals through the most scientifically tested proven and documented physical phenomena Medium of all time; Rev. Keith Milton Rhinehart (1936 -1999). Join our Spiritual Family in the Teaching Halls of higher Spiritualism.

The Bitcoin Dasher


What this channel is" A research experiment to ascertain if a part-time Doordash hobby can turn into financial freedom Method: 1) I will DoorDash part time for the next year ( end of 2023 ) 2) I will dollar cost average (DCA) into Bitcoin & other crypto currencies from the money ( fiat ) I make as a dasher 3) I will take into account all expenses. 4) I will show the status of the investment portfolio on a biweekly schedule: 5) I will communicate what cryptocurrencies, NFT, and crypto related projects I will be investing in periodically. Documentation: I will document ( Vlog ) on this Youtube channel, Twitter,, Rumble, Instagram & TikTok Education: I will attempt to interview doordashers, crypto experts, and people in the gig economy to test best practices. Why do this? It's really simple. I'm a longtime bitcoiner, and I'm tired of the world being unfair and unbanked for 99% of the population. If this can act as a blueprint for someone, I'm all for it.