State of Dissidents


State of Dissidents is a product of content created by Brandon Castleberry AKA "BC". Fundamental is advocation for the abolition of government & positive cultural change. The ideas of free and unhampered markets are the economic foundation of the US. With individual sovereignty comes individual responsibility. Rothbardian philosophy guides the utterances of this commentator whose goal is to speak truth to power about the state/corporate narrative. Anti-woke & anti-establishment drives topics of society/culture. -SOD-

American Dissident Podcast


I’m somebody and nobody at the same time. Just another voice and opinion in today’s online society. I don’t pretend to know everything, but I do know a thing or two because I’ve seen a thing or two. Like most, my thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors have changed over the years and are shaped by the ups and downs of modern civilization. We all have our own personal journey through life; one that takes us from being young and naïve, to old and wise. Sometimes I go down a rabbit hole. Sometimes it’s a black hole with a dead end, but each time I learn something new. Something that wasn’t taught in school or mentioned on the news. My job isn’t telling you what to think, it’s teaching you how to think.