Indomável Motivação Bodybuilding Este canal foi criado para ajudar você a sair da sua zona de conforto e corra atrás dos seus objetivos. Temos ótimos conteúdos Motivacionais como Vídeos Motivacionais Bodybuilding,Treinamentos com peso, Inspirações, Pré Treino, Musicas Para Treinar, Motivacional Bodybuilding, Motivacional Para Crescer, Motivacional Para Agir, Fitness, Crossfit, Calistenia, Musculação, Superação, Força, Fé. Lembre-se a sua maior motivação está dentro de você! "SEJA INDOMÁVEL"

Relaxation music by Pandora's box


Thank you for supporting this channel.\n\nStory behind channel:\nIn 2019/2020 I was fighting pancreatic cancer. Dealing with this battle for life, took a toll on my mind. Fighting stress and anxiety became a consequence. I knew I had to do something, so I decided to meditate every day. Sometimes 30 minutes, sometimes 1 hour. It was my savior, and I am now completely myself again. \nI was granted a second chance, and I decided that it’s time to give back. \nHealth is not only what you put in your stomach, but also what you put in your head.\nMy mission:\nI want to be your #1 provider of relaxing music and relaxing videos.\nI will upload content every single day.\nI will provide these following types of videos:\n\n Relax music\n Yoga music\n Calming music \n Relaxing classical music \n Relaxing music \n Spiritual music \n Classical music for studying \n Instrumental music \n Music to sleep \n Meditation music \n Music relaxing instrumental \n Piano music \n Sacred music \n Sleep music \n Trance meditation music \n Tribal sounds \n White noise \n Amazing nature scenery\n\nMy #1 Resource for Sound Healing\n

MedizinStein - Honora Zen Kloster


ZEN makes mind its foundation and no-gate its gate. Now, how do you pass through this no-gate? It is said that things coming in through the gate can never be your own treasures. What is gained from external circumstances will perish in the end. However, such a saying is already raising waves when there is no wind. It is cutting unblemished skin. As for those who try to understand through other people`s words, they are striking the moon with a stick; scratching a shoe, whereas it is the foot that itches. What concern have they with the truth? A man of determination will unflinchingly push his way straight forward, regardless of all dangers. Then even the devil cannot hinder him. Even all the holy and wise ones from the east and west would beg for their lives. If one has no determination, then it will be like catching a glimpse of a horse galloping past a window; in the twinkling of an eye it will be gone. #zen #meditation #logos