Kettlebell Plus 360


How to achieve accelerated breakthroughs with your health and fitness. Ideal Weight - Losing weight and maintaining your ideal weight can be challenging. I understand how discouraging it can be when nothing you have tried worked because I ‘ve had this issue my entire adult life besides full recovery from debilitating injury. Weight Training - Take the guess work out how to gain muscle, regain balance, reduce injuries, recovery from illness and know what equipment to purchase. Let’s set-up a strategy time to see what works best for you by leaving me a message at:

My Kettlebell Fitness Journey

1 Follower

Here\\\\\\\'s my journey working out with kettlebells. I sit at a computer all day long and then, when I\\\\\\\'m done, sit on the couch in front of my TV and laptop all evening until I go to bed. I seriously sit ALL DAY and don\\\\\\\'t do a lick of exercise.\\n\\nSo I decided to get in shape because I want to see my kids graduate from high school. Also, I\\\'m tired of being tired all the time and of all the body aches and pains. I hope those go away once I\\\'m stronger.\\n\\nSo I\\\'m documenting my journey. Mainly for me, so when I get discouraged in the future I can look back and see how much I\\\'ve progressed. How much stronger I\\\'ve gotten. How much weight I\\\'ve lost. How I can work out longer.\\n\\nI missed Day 1 because I honestly didn\\\'t think about doing this until I was done, so the videos will start at Day 2.\\n\\nIf other people can be encouraged by my journey, so much the better.