

Hi, my name is Delroy, welcome to my truth video archive channel. This is collection of videos exposing the truth of our realm that the "the powers that should NOT be" have been hiding from us. I set this channel up out of Love. Love of self, Love of the truth, and Love for Humanity. So whether you are black, white, green, blue or purple, this is for you to help open your eyes and free your mind from the mental prison they have put us in. Hope you enjoy :) I have tried to include the information that was written in the description of the original sources. If you like the content please seek out and support the content makers of these videos, as they have put many hours of time and energy researching and creating these excellent videos. Love To All 💚💚💚



This channel was created on April 04, 2020. We started our YOUTUBE CHANNEL on May 27, 2024. We are NOW ON OUR FIFTH NAME CHANGE. This time we HOPE THAT THIS ONE WORKS FOR FOR US. As of 9/19/24, we are now called BIG BELLY BUMBLES. We are BUMBLING our way through this LIFE here on Earth. We are no longer a truck driving channel (owner-operator). We are no longer into LAND CLEARING and MULCHING. We are trying to figure out where our idenity is BOTH Rumble and YouTube. Ruthie B. Howard 09/19/24