14 Followerscrudmongerz
12 FollowersBranding
11 FollowersMarc Rudov helps CEOs convert their companies from murky to magnetic
10 FollowersRude Crude and Totally Unacceptable-for the Awakened
6 FollowersLife Strategy and Shit for Starseeds
4 Followerscrudiraw
4 FollowersRude,Crude & Socially Unacceptable
3 FollowersPolitical and Social Commentary
3 FollowersRIC_CRUDE
2 FollowersCrudemaniac
2 Followerstrudon
2 Followerscrudevines
2 FollowersJohnTrudo
2 FollowersLuz Cruda 🇪🇸
1 FollowerNo pierdas el brillo que hay dentro de ti. Luz Cruda es un espacio dedicado a la exploración profunda y auténtica de la espiritualidad con oraciones, enseñanzas de Jesús, hechos curiosos y mucho más para enriquecer tu vida y tu espiritualidad. Creemos que la verdadera iluminación viene de la honestidad y del autoconocimiento, y nuestra propuesta es compartir reflexiones e insights que trascienden dogmas y estructuras religiosas.
1 FollowerCrudeson
1 FollowerCrudGrams
1 FollowerGCRUDRA
1 FollowerCruderChief
1 FollowerLUCE CRUDA 🇮🇹
0 FollowersPREGA COME GESÙ Impara a connetterti profondamente con Dio e trova sollievo dal tuo dolore attraverso gli insegnamenti di Gesù che cambiano la vita, anche se non hai mai capito la Bibbia prima. E non dimenticare mai: non perdere la brillantezza che è dentro di te!
0 FollowersCasos Nunca Antes Vistos Sobre La Medicina. Somos Una Cuenta Médica.
Amazing video
0 FollowersCrud Talk podcast/Fifty Shades of Grace
0 FollowersI am a human traffic survivor, a speaker, a worship leader, a writer, and a life coach, a wife and a mom...AND I am the founder of a ministry called Fifty Shades of Grace and the host of the Crud Talk podcast. I share my story so that others can have HOPE and the courage to share THEIR stories. I have survived horrific torture and abuse, and now I help others learn HOW to deal with the pain that's holding them back. Everybody's got crud. It's how we deal with it that makes all the difference. We can't control what others do, but we CAN control how we respond. We have a choice. Dealing with your crud allows you to MOVE FORWARD and live the life you were called to live. Not stuck in the pain…but free for the future. Are you stuck? I can help. I have Crud Sessions available. Message me for details. Crud Talk podcast Fifty Shades of Grace
La Cruda Verdad
0 FollowersQuisas veas otros programsa similares, este no es para destruir o despotricar acerca de cualquier tema.. es solo un foro de expresion de mis impresiones acerca de la vida, politica y situaciones que vemos y padecemos en este mundo. quizas no te sea interesante, quizas ni te guste.. pero si no es asi.. suscribete y comenta para poder seguir haciendo mas contenido.