Dynamic Combative Solutions LLC


Dynamic Combative Solutions Training Division lead by Director of Training, David Laird, has one of the most diverse and experienced instructor cadre in Arizona. Our Training Division consists of NRA Certified Instructors in a multitude of disciplines, Federal and State law enforcement instructors of multiple disciplines, current and former military veterans from a large span of experience, as well as business professionals and competitive shooters. We have partnered with many other industry leading professional schools to help augment our training curriculum to include classes from the best schools in our region, creating one location to find the best hand to hand self-defense classes, knife defense, first aide/CPR and much much more.

Citizen Observer Perth


Welcome to Citizen Observer Perth. I am a keen photographer and videographer located in Perth, Western Australia. I am also a community-minded citizen and an interested and engaged observer of what occurs in society and the world and on occasion I have filmed newsworthy events of public interest including police and emergency incidents in a responsible and unobstructive manner. This video channel and associated website aims to educate citizens as well as police officers and public servants on the legality of public photography and videography and encourages responsible news gathering and independent citizen journalism. Furthermore it aims to promote transparency and accountability within our government to ensure that all public servants within Western Australia respect the rights of citizens and treat citizens with courtesy and respect when engaged in lawful activities. Please visit citizenobserverperth.com for further information.

The Statecraft Observer Podcast


A Clear, Strong and Factual Point of View. The STATECRAFT OBSERVER Podcast is a Christian Constitutional Conservative Podcast from Texas. Never one to shy away from hot button issues the host offers up a healthy dose of reality wrapped in the truth and delivered unapologetically. If you care about God, Judeo-Christian values, The Constitution of the United States of America, The Bill of Rights, Supporting our Military, Pro-Life, Strong Borders, Fair and Equal Trade, America First and being a PROUD American Citizen who stands for our Flag – this podcast is for you. Host: Brandon Keller