The PurebloodZ Code


WARNING: ITS NO SECRET THIS CHANNEL HAS BEEN SUFFOCATED BY RUMBLE SINCE IT'S LAUNCH. AND IT'S BEEN CONFIRMED BY MANY FOLLOWERS THAT THEY'VE BEEN BOOTED AND HAD TO RE-SUBSCRIBE. THAT ALONE IS EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT OUR TRUTH AND OUR TIMES. THEY KNOW, WE KNOW! FOLLOWING THE TEACHINGS OF JESUS AND FED UP WITH THE MASONIC VERMIN, CORRUPTION AND SMOKE AND MIRRORS BULLSH*T WE WILL FLIP TABLES AND TURN OVER A TEMPLE IN THE COMPANY OF LIARS AND THIEVES JUST AS HE DID. AND THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT WE ARE DOING... WHETHER ITS POPULAR OR NOT. THE TRUTH DOES NOT COMPROMISE... GROW A SET! THERE IS NO SMOKE HERE TO BLOW UP YOUR ARSE OR BLOCK YOUR VIEW FROM THE TRUE FIRE THAT ENGULFS YOU. AND THAT INFERNO IS THE MASONIC TEMPLE CULT SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN ZIONIST MAGATS CULTIVATED THROUGH SECRET SOCIETIES...WHO COWER IN THE SHADOWS WHEN THEY ARE ALONE AND PUFF THEIR FLABBY CHESTS OUT WHEN THEY ARE AMONG THEIR FELLOW MAGATS. THESE SUB-HUMANS ARE THE LOWEST FORM OF LIFE ON EARTH. THEIR COMING FINAL GURTAIN CALL THEARTICAL CHARADE WILL SHOCK AND AWE THE WEAK MINDED FLATLINERS, WHO WILL BE DUPED INTO BELIEVING ANYTHING. BUT TRUST ME WHEN I TELL YOU THE UNDERLYING CONTROL AND SLAVERY WILL EXIST EVEN STRONGER ONCE THE SMOKE CLEARS. THESE MAGATS ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS. THEY ARE AN ANCIENT EVIL LYING IN WAIT IN THE SHADOWS OF VILLAINY AND SCUM... READY TO ASSERT THE NEXT CENTURY OF TOTAL DIGITAL PRISON OVER YOU. GEMATRIA FOR Mary Magdalene 624 714 119 DECODED: HEBREW - 624 = 6(2+4) = 66 ENGLISH - 714 (EQUALS 12 BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY 1(7+4)=111 SIMPLE 119 - AND FINALLY SPEAKS FOR ITSELF 911. MM = 33 TWIN = 66 33+66 = 99 (911) DO YOU HAVE EYES TO SEE? "THE PUREBLOODZ CODE" identify as a CONSPIRACY MASTER SAGE...our pronouns are I/TOLD/YOU/SO. WE USE CAPS DEFIANTLY FOR A REASON, TO PROTEST THE STRAWMAN HUMAN TRAFFICKING ENSLAVEMENT 'BIRTH CERTIFICATE' RACKETEERING INDUSTRY AND WE ARE OFFENDED THAT YOU DO NOT USE CAPS TO PROTEST AS WELL. HOWEVER WE ARE NOT EXTREME LEFTIST WEAKLING PLEBS WHO WILL ACCOST YOU WHEN YOU USE CAPITALS, ON BEHALF OF THE MAGATS THAT PAY THEM. WE RESPECT YOUR RIGHT TO CHOOSE YOUR OWN FORMAT, NO MATTER HOW WEAK THAT CHOICE MAY BE. WHO DO YOU THINK CREATED THE 'CAPS IS YELLING' BULLSHIT? YEAH THATS RIGHT... THE SNAKE CHARMER LYING MASONIC CULT ZIONIST FILTH. IT IS SIMPLY ANOTHER MECHANISM TO DIVIDE TO CREATE CHAOS THAT THEIR SYSTEM CENTERS AROUND. PLEASE USE YOUR FUQN BRAINS. OTHERWISE YOU SERIOUSLY DO NOT BELONG HERE THATS FOR SURE. NO FREE RIDES THROUGH REAL (r) 'EVOLUTION'. THIS CHANNEL WILL ALWAYS BE KNOWN AS I.C.E... INTERNET CONNECTED EVOLUTION BUT....Back in 2020 we joined this platform with 'THE VIKING HORDE' as our outfront TITLE. When SATAN targetted our life blood with venom we EVOLVED into our next phase as PUREBLOODZ. We took that TITLE organically to ADAPT to the times and situation and chose the Z (WHICH IS THE 26th LETTER AND GOD IS 26 IN SIMPLE GEMATRIA) at the end of PUREBLOODZ to support PUTINS MISSION as we were also supportive of the Q PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATION at that juncture as well. However our knowledge, insight and skills have grown by leaps and bounds in the steady hands and guidance of the ALMIGHTY HOLY SPIRIT who has had plans for us as a messenger since then, and so now we evolve to the next phase, THE PUREBLOODZ CODE! And when the story is revealed how the HOLY SPIRIT came to me in the night on EASTER SUNDAY and enlightened me further on how to connect ALL of the numbers and dates that I had already dug so deep to collect, and showed me the path to make sense of everything, I knew it was time for change. And when you see the process , and the numbers connecting, and the equation and how it all links to this realm under GOD, you to will be astounded just as I was. Truly incredible how this journey has brought us closer to GOD and the HOLY SPIRIT and there is not a sliver of doubt in my heart and mind now that the teachings of JESUS IS THE SAVIOR. And you will come to realize the same and how he has connected us all and shown PUREBLOODZ the way. Truly astonishing and beyond inspirational and can not wait to lay it all out for those who have eyes to see and share in the revelation and miraculous understanding the HOLY SPIRIT has not only gifted me with but shown to me that there can be no question it is the work and hand of the HOLY SPIRIT. And the fact that this revelation came on EASTER SUNDAY WAS simply a DIVINE ACT. I have never been easily swayed or impressed as you may realize by my blunt force attitude and zero tolerance for filthy lies, but if there were ever a doubt before today, EASTER MONDAY 2024 of my purpose in this life, it has been forever squashed. I HAVE CLEAR FOCUSED EAGLE VISION ON THE PRIZE NOW. AND SO its your time to understand and realize the same level of knowledge and clarity. I have schooled you about the enemy and their prolific skilled use of numbers, dates and timestamps and how they have used these tools for centuries to communicate. If you want to level the playing field with the enemy and give your children a fighting chance in the future, learn numerology, as well as the simple values of the numbers of each letter ie a=1, b=2 c=3 etc. IT IS BEYOND COMPREHENSION HOW THIS HAS NOT BEEN SPAMMED AND PUSHED TO HUMANITY BEFORE NOW TO TAKE DOWN THESE PARASITES BUT ITS TIME AND OBVIOUSLY GOING TO BE OUR PLIGHT TO ACCOMPLISH FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS TO COME. WE MUST KNOW THEIR HIDDEN LANGUAGE AND PUREBLOODZ DOES. ALL MUST learn the ritual numbers they worship and base their comms around. And you would be wise to hone your skills in understanding GEMATRIA... their number one ANCIENT tool for coding messages. I DID NOT START THIS JOUNREY TO EXPOSE THEM BECAUSE NUMBERS ARE MY LANGUAGE, I TOOK ON THE CHALLENGE BECAUSE ITS THE METHOD OF COMMUNICATION 'THEY' USE. This link will take you to a table that floored me when I renamed this channel and I will lay it all out in a future video. Use these tools to learn or simply rely on them for proving codes etc. #criticalcommonsense



The Connected Experience lifestyle show is a show devoted to introducing the listeners to topics ranging from community issues to entertainment. Hosted by identical twin brothers Santoine and Antoine, the former artists also share their experiences and knowledge they’ve gained over the time spent working in everything from music to video games, animation, to launching apps, etc. The Connected Experience lifestyle show past conversations features some of the biggest names in the music and film industries such as people who were doing their very first interviews. Future guests will include everyone from lawyers, politicians, authors down to the modern working man. Living a lifestyle of “I WANT FOR MY BROTHER, WHAT I WANT FOR MYSELF”, The Connected Experience lifestyle show is here to be a source of knowledge for our listeners. Everybody is one person away from living their dreams so use this experience to get connected.

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🔍 Welcome to "Connect The Dots," the Rumble channel that dives deep into the shadows of secrecy, unraveling the mysteries the mainstream doesn't want you to know! 🕵️‍♂️✨ 👁️ Are you ready to explore the uncharted territories of truth? Join us as we peel back the layers of reality, exposing the hidden agendas and enigmatic forces that shape our world. 🌐🔓 🌌 From government cover-ups to extraterrestrial encounters, ancient conspiracies to futuristic plots, our channel is your passport to a realm where nothing is as it seems. 🚀👽

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Books By: Debbie Momoh The Second Heir Series: The Second Heir, Book One Amazon Store Link: Description: This is a tale of a girl who has now discovered she has a different path than what was always planned for her. She will have to find out what her purpose is and how best to accomplish it. Does she have a choice? The Second Heir, Book Two Amazon Store Link: Description: He was an orphan from birth, and he understood the path laid out for him. He had been content with his life, until he was told that he is not who he always thought he was. Does he believe them? The Second Heir, Book Three Amazon Store Link: Description: For a long time, they accepted the rules and decrees of the kingdoms, until a contradiction made them question what they had always been told. Do they pretend ignorance or challenge the status quo? Behind Series: Behind The Sword Amazon Store Link: Description: He is a tortured soul that was raised in the underbelly of society. He drifted through life without a thought of what tomorrow may hold until a stranger walks into his life and changes it forever by the decisions she made and actions she took. He is now at a crossroad. Is he willing to accept the gift he has been given and change the trajectory of his life? It is not as easy a decision as he thinks because there are forces beyond his control that would affect any decision he makes. Behind The Duty Amazon Store Link: Description: He was born into luxury, and it is the only life he knows. All he sees is the small bubble around him until everything changes one day when his life is threatened. This shakes the security he has always enjoyed. He does not know how to live any other kind of life, but he knows he needs to make a change to prevent himself from getting into the same situation. He is going to need all the help he can get, but does he have it within him to make the change? Behind The Bond Amazon Store Link: Description: He was born a prince, and he knew his place in life, until tragedy struck. Who is he now, and what is his purpose? He has to rediscover himself and find out if life is still worth living.

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This channel is made to show documentaries of wild animals. You stay connected on this channel for wild animals, birds,pets,hunting, fighting and funny video. So, please subscribe my channel to get notification when video will be uploaded. Thank you very


You guys are welcome in my channel Creaturesworld . This channel is made to show documentaries of wild animals. You stay connected on this channel for wild animals, birds,pets,hunting, fighting and funny video. So, please subscribe my channel to get notification when video will be uploaded. Thank you very much.

"Universal Connect: Exploring the Threads that Bind Us All"


Welcome to Universal Connect, where we embark on a journey to explore the fascinating interconnectedness of our world. Join us as we delve into the hidden links that unite diverse cultures, sciences, histories, and experiences. Through thought-provoking videos, we'll uncover the remarkable stories and shared elements that make up the fabric of our existence. From the everyday to the extraordinary, Universal Connect celebrates the beauty of our common human experience and the wonders that bind us together. Subscribe now and join the exploration of our interconnected universe!