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Three Sides of the Coin


Since launching in 2012 Three Sides of the Coin an unofficial KISS podcast that celebrates the hottest band in the world KISS has been viewed or listened to over 8,000,000 times, with over 500 episodes. Three Sides of the Coin has been joined by special guests including Gene Simmons, Eric Singer, Ace Frehley, Bruce Kulick, Vinnie Vincent, Blackie Lawless, Rob Halford, Alice Cooper, Ted Nugent, Dennis DeYoung, Kip Winger, Holly Knight, Snake Sabo, Timothy Bogart, Joyce Biawitz, Buck Dharma, Lydia Criss, Eddie Trunk, WWE/AEW Superstar and lead singer of Fozzy Chris Jericho, Angel lead guitarist Punky Meadows, Five Finger Death Punch members Jason Hook and Jeremy Spencer, Vinnie Vincent Invasion and Slaughter lead singer Mark Slaughter, Twisted Sister’s Dee Snider and Jay Jay French, comedian Craig Gass, former KISS manager Larry Mazer, KISS’ former business manager Chris Lendt, KISS art director Dennis Woloch, Head of KISS Security Big John Harte, the Black Veil Brides Andy Biersack, Ron Keel, Frank Munoz associate producer for Ace Frehley's Anomaly album, award-winning songwriter Adam Mitchell, Ed Kanon (Peter Criss' drum tech), Kevin Valentine (drummer on KISS' Psycho Circus album), KISS songwriter Mitch Weissman, album producer Michael James Jackson and many, many more.