Matthew Paul Tucciarone


FREEDOM!!! \r\n\r\nOur mission is to support Arizona Stands United in filing a lawsuit challenging and reversing the governors declaration of “state of emergency”. We are freedom-loving Arizonans who insist our elected leaders be held accountable and be shown they cannot act with impunity for their tyrannical actions We are a large group (and growing) of concerned freedom-loving Arizonans, who recognize the tremendous sacrifices made by countless generations of Americans throughout our nation’s history to secure, preserve, and protect our God-given rights. We believe it is our duty and privilege to protect our fundamental liberties while demanding our elected leaders be held accountable and be shown they cannot act with impunity for their tyrannical and corrupt agendas. We are united in our common goal to stand against continued violations of our Constitutional freedoms including mask mandates, shutdowns, and more, while working to restore those freedoms from which we have been deprived.

Matthew Paul Tucciarone


Matthew Paul Tucciarone is an Alchemist, Patriot, Yogi, and Transformational Coach who believes in the spirit of America. Do you know that in 1788 the Original Constitution for the united states, original organic, of the people government was created? Do you know that in 1871 there was an Amended version: CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, US is a private corporation that was created? The United States of America can no longer operate in its full constitutional capacity, because of government overreach, tyrannical leaders, and spiritual abuse. Each week, join me, Matthew Paul Tucciarone, the Patriotic Alchemist, as I serve fellow patriots in restoring God, constitutional integrity, liberty, and natural law in America. “WE THE PEOPLE”, for The United States of America, can no longer sit back and wait for someone to save us from tyranny We are being called to assemble and act through Spirit, so that we can co-create the world that it was intended to be.