UnchartedX Verified


Hi, my name is Ben, welcome to UnchartedX. I'm a long-time student and fan of history. I've spent a lot of time throughout my life travelling to, photographing and filming ancient sites all around the world, and (more recently) interviewing and talking to many of the leading researchers and authors, many of whom are working to uncover the true origins of the mystery that is our past. I believe there is a need for high quality content that addresses the new science and new discoveries that should affect how we view the past, and to examine the contradictions that are clearly evident on ancient sites, and in our orthodox version of history. I hope you'll join me on this journey! I try to publish at least 1-2 well researched pieces per month, and also other less structured content, podcasts/interviews and the like. I may also publish content unrelated to history, from time to time :) Please consider the value-for-value model as outlined at https://unchartedx.com/support!

NFL Daily by Chat Sports


Chat Sports is the leading sports video news network on digital platforms. With millions of viewers monthly across 28 different channels, join us now to become a part of the most interactive network of sports channels on YouTube! Our goal is to bring tv-quality sports programming to YouTube, while embracing our audience to create a fun, 2-way sports conversation. For advertising and business inquiries, please email us at partners@chatsports.com to integrate your product or company into our shows.

NBA Now by Chat Sports


Chat Sports is the leading sports video news network on digital platforms. With millions of viewers monthly across 28 different channels, join us now to become a part of the most interactive network of sports channels on YouTube! Our goal is to bring tv-quality sports programming to YouTube, while embracing our audience to create a fun, 2-way sports conversation. For advertising and business inquiries, please email us at partners@chatsports.com to integrate your product or company into our shows.

Canadian Citizens for Charter Rights and Freedoms


Canadian Citizens For Charter Rights And Freedoms (C3RF) is a group of Canadians whose mission is to educate Canadians on the existence and nature of various threats to Canadian Charter Rights, while advocating and acting against these threats through all legal means. C3RF opposes Motion M-103, the UN Agenda 2030, the Global Compact on Migration, the distorted use of “Islamophobia” in the Canadian political lexicon - with the goal of promoting education, justice, and Charter Rights protection to all Canadians.

Coffee Shop ASL Chat ☕️


👋 Welcome to the Coffee Shop ASL Chat, a place to bring accessibility to social media posts and share with others. I provide sign language and spoken English interpreting access to videos shared on social media. Providing this service gives more people an opportunity to view, share, and discuss the topic(s) shared. As a result, we’re all chatting and having a virtual cup of coffee together! Please join us! ☕️ Like my interpreting videos? Enjoying the coffee chat? Please buy me a coffee! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/FlufTheMango

Preparation for The Endtimes series


WARNING TO HUMANITY! This series is an exclusive look into all the apocalyptic plots that The New World Order intends to carry out. Im redoing the series with audio voiceover as requested. The new versions are more professional and the clues clearer. They are the ones that say”w/audio”.. The only other people that have this research are governments, think tanks and specialized organizations - and none of them are making it public because they don't think you can handle it. This is a life-saving and life-changing journey down the rabbit hole. Based on decades of corroborated research, confirmed by scholars, researchers, academicians, insiders, whistleblowers and others. This is a scholarly work that will provide the hints and clues for you to put together yourselves. Originally had hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube before they banned it for "containing sensitive information." Series playlist: https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/6oEuQaSzsNuA/ "This is the real X-FIles." Watch from the beginning in numerical sequence in order to understand its implications and fully apprehend the plots of the endgame. And please watch these episodes over and over to gather the clues. I encoded all the secrets and machinations of the apocalypse in this series for the wise to understand. The exoteric message is clear for everyone, but there are deeper levels to it, esp. for those who have done research into some of these topic. For the others, I recommend you investigate into the topics addressed here in order to "see" and "perceive" the reality of what I am saying, and its veracity. Most of it should resonate truth in you anyway to begin with. But confirm the research yourself by looking into it. And please support the effort by liking each video and subscribing with notifications at the very least. But if you can also spread the word, that's even better. This may be the most important documentary you will ever watch. It is based on 26 years of research that has been corroborated by the top experts of the fields of each respective topic discussed in the series, and more. Moreover, they are in line with what the dark occultists say about their beliefs and agendas themselves (it is very much an open conspiracy), and also aligned with all world prophecies as well as other ancient and esoteric texts. It is also the findings of major governments, think tanks, specialized organizations and related research institutions as well. Whether its insiders, researchers, scholars, academicians, political analysts, whistleblowers, ancient texts, mythologies, religious scriptures, world prophecies, occult books and every other kind of expert referenced, they are all saying the same narrative of the Last Days. Please help spread The Word to those you know as well as on social media if you can. "Over several decades of research, I uncovered the entire endgame apocalyptic conspiracy, including that of The Anti-Christ Dajjal and Gog & Magog (Ya'juj wa Ma'juj) as well as the impending, premeditated alien invasions which shall be part-real, part-simulated." This, the alien colonization, alien/human and jinn/human hybrids, the interbred elite and each and every aspect of the deep state is revealed carefully throughout the series. I suggest you watch the episodes over and over in order gather the clues to the endgame mystery. Nothing that is put in the series is accidental. There is a reason for everything. This is the only place where you will get the full picture of the apocalypse, the endgame conspiracy and the alien agendas. Exclusively found here. WARNING TO HUMANITY! This series is an exclusive look into all the apocalyptic plots that The New World Order intends to carry out. The only other people that have this research are governments, think tanks and specialized organizations - and none of them are making it public because they don't think you can handle it. This is a life-saving and life-changing journey down the rabbit hole. Based on decades of corroborated research, confirmed by scholars, researchers, academicians, insiders, whistleblowers and others. This is a scholarly work that will provide the hints and clues for you to put together yourselves. Series playlist: https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/6oEuQaSzsNuA/ "This is the real X-FIles." Watch from the beginning in numerical sequence in order to fully understand its implications and apprehend the plots of the endgame. And please watch these episodes over and over to gather the clues. I encoded all the secrets and machinations of the apocalypse in this series for the wise to understand. The exoteric message is clear for everyone, but there are deeper levels to it, esp. for those who have done research into some of these topic. For the others, I recommend you investigate into the topics addressed here in order to "see" and "perceive" the reality of what I am saying, and its veracity. Most of it should resonate truth in you anyway to begin with. But confirm the research yourself by looking into it. And please support the effort by liking each video and subscribing with notifications at the very least. But if you can also spread the word, that's even better. This may be the most important documentary you will ever watch. It is based on 26 years of research that has been corroborated by the top experts of the fields of each respective topic discussed in the series, and more. Moreover, they are in line with what the dark occultists say about their beliefs and agendas themselves (it is very much an open conspiracy), and also aligned with all world prophecies as well as other ancient and esoteric texts. It is also the findings of major governments, think tanks, specialized organizations and related research institutions as well. Whether its insiders, researchers, scholars, academicians, political analysts, whistleblowers, ancient texts, mythologies, religious scriptures, world prophecies, occult books and every other kind of expert referenced, they are all saying the same narrative of the Last Days. Please help spread The Word to those you know as well as on social media if you can. "Over several decades of research, I uncovered the entire endgame apocalyptic conspiracy, including that of The Anti-Christ Dajjal and Gog & Magog (Ya'juj wa Ma'juj) as well as the impending, premeditated alien invasions which shall be part-real, part-simulated." This, the alien colonization, alien/human and jinn/human hybrids, the interbred elite and each and every aspect of the deep state is revealed carefully throughout the series. I suggest you watch the episodes over and over in order gather the clues to the endgame mystery. Nothing that is put in the series is accidental. There is a reason for everything. This is the only place where you will get the full picture of the apocalypse, the endgame conspiracy and the alien agendas. Exclusively found here.

Game N Chat Verified


Pretty new to this :D So sorry for my noobness. \\\\nI want to use this channel to do letsplays of different games. Maybe Interview different people and talk about anything. \\\\n\\\\nSend me a message if you want to be interviewed while we play a game together. :) \\\\n\\\\n❤ If you want to support me, feel free to like ,share and subscribe :) also, Rumbles tokens is also welcome :D \\n \\\\n\\\\nAlso, here are my crypto addresses too BTW :) ❤ \\\\n\\\\nBTC: bc1q0j7fjtlfpctdps4u60t7qu5t8dc46rngdtdffq \\\\n\\\\nETH or LINK: 0x9154Ba3799f2640e67B07F779F66B6d97aBEA2a2 \\\\n\\\\nADA: addr1qyzp9usm79nz89l8tkq70vh4wr0ejxt2g9apecjsq0ce5ksyztephutxywt7whvpu7e02uxlnyvk5st6rn39qql3nfdq42mek7