Divine Encounters: NDE & Beyond


Greetings, fellow travelers of the infinite. Welcome to Next Level Soul's Divine Encounters, a sanctuary where we delve into the profound mysteries that lie beyond the veil of our everyday existence. Here, we gather to explore Near Death Experiences, Spiritual Awakenings, and the extraordinary journeys that reveal the true nature of our souls. Imagine, if you will, stepping into a realm where the ordinary dissolves into the extraordinary, where the mundane transforms into the mystical. Through captivating stories and insightful conversations, we journey together into the depths of the human spirit, touching the divine and glimpsing the beyond. Each encounter is a dance with the eternal, a reminder that we are more than mere bodies navigating the material world. We are souls on a boundless journey, ever seeking, ever discovering. Join us, subscribe, and let us traverse these sacred pathways together. Your awakening awaits in the heart of Divine Encounters. www.nextlevelsoul.com/divine-encounters

NDE Research Project


This channel is dedicated to open-minded and critical research of the following phenomena: - Near Death Experiences (NDEs) - Shared Death Experiences (SDEs) - Deathbed Premonitions & Visitations - Pre-Birth Memories - Life Between Lives & Past Life Regression - Astral Projection - Out of Body Experiences (OBEs) - Lucid Dreaming - Meditation - Reincarnation - After Death Communication (ADC) - Altered States of Consciousness - Terminal Lucidity - Sovereignty & Liberation at Natural Death (moksha, nirvana, etc.) This channel is for educational purposes only.