Gangs of America Streets of America


This Podcast including all photo and video documentation can and is proof of the illegal secret gov. and secret society that dates back to the beginning of time almost.Targeted individuals #remoteNeuralMonitoring #WarCrimes #sightillogicalsoundillogicalwarfare #CrimeoftheCentury #humandroneprogram # New World Order #prostitution #Covid #iamone #boeing # slavery #phoenixMedia #cyberwar #psywar #secretGovernment #MK-ultra #monica #MiTM #mindcontrol # secret Society #gaymafiaterroristcell # telco Fraud #justinGoines #RICO #warcrimes The illegal activities that you hear about during this podcast are real and are occurring. MKultra provides (along with other hacked into system) this home grown terrorist cell way too much information. *gangstalking *remote neuro link *emf broadcasting VR *yes the kidnappings are real *yes I have tried to report-actually the US District attorneys office was informed about some of them ahead of time. *yes this is a premeditated organized crime ring with all planned out ahead of time and worked over and over again throughout the world. *yes they have kidnapped people from prisons, lied and impersonated law enforcement, attorneys, judges, etc. **always know what’s going on never. Know when these people will cause you to lose your soul , and never be reunited back. **lost souls - Hollywood flex spas- FROSTY (frost mike) the-snowman, didn’t have a soul. Check out their playbook More crucial information as they continue their mind rape murder kidnapping and cyber terrorist attack oh and their telecommunication hacking of all networks all across the globe. Yeah they hacked all cell, data, diol tux (including the one running under the ocean from east coast to Europe) shh that’s a secret. Plus radio satellite and all other frequencies. Questions about that? Ask windstream Nuvox communications of Ohio, Gabriel communications, peerless communications, CORELOGIC, switch box Inc., Accuserve (they took kirks company and using it for money laundering) nick and brother jeff strickmeyer-Compton road. Also Jeff, Darin’s ex boyfriend. He should know. What about the attempted murder of Bruce? How many people have they all killed using ghb manufactured off tylersvile rd? — David jay and his partner should know right!? Casey Findlay, Evan Evans-wait removed and sold for fighting against them. Ken aiko same. What about Tim Robinson, CURTIS MCDANIEL? Tim from Chicago and vince Mcarty? Sold Vince to arizona? Domains by proxy maybe? What about hacking google amazon Facebook columnist WOW- widenopenwest. Threatening torturing and trying to command people- these guys got it down. I will not do what you demand , I will not get over it, bend yourself over the guardrail bitch I’m fucking tired of you fucking tools, douche bag, asshole wannabe Illuminati devil worshipping lying conartist oh yeah be sure to check out all the fraudulent names and identities on website.(where is josh smith ,David post) and my nephew JOSH WYATT. Brian Schaefer taken you the old Wolfe’s bar or taken by tim Wolfe? What about walrus? Strike! Doesn’t Alison or holly have anything to say about the details details details surrounding 65 1/2 smith place Kirk and stawns porn studio? Come on now I’ll just keep putting it out there for the world to know about ALL ABOUT THOSe people involved. I am better than all these people, mines the truth so is yours, look it up on the eye rape monitor or the script stop thinking you can falsify reality and remove the truth from the record books. You have copies of peoples brains and ml-ultra isn’t going to help you since you stole the know how from the government. Google eyes is a real thing but that’s because they are using the google satellites to spy control and manipulate corrupt and ruin the entire world. Control this bitch. Murdering asshole lyingbastard lying fucktards like Brian Kirby or paller - Chad brown what? Oh what I think he was trying to tell me. Where is Dustin Kelly ? Ej white , adam klosterman, ask Doug boerger PI..FROSTY the snowman .. Vulnerabilities in the data and personal security area are causing huge crimes against humanity, crimes against the government, and other countries as well. Trying to document these is almost impossible but before they take anymore prisoners of war or hurt anyone else. They have been warned, no one was to get hurt. At this point, Bleak. Home wreckers and Club20 shout out to you. To the drag queens, strippers,,dancers, servers, bartenders, and everyone else playing “GANGS OF AMERICA STREETS OF AMERICA, cards against humanity, crimes against humanity, and HUNGER GAMES get over yourselves and your lives. You are killing people and holding the whole world. Latest podcast of communications with the cyber terrorist/ terrorist network “Gay Mafia” . Communications are being completed through their use of stolen military technology and stolen equipment and the illegal use of telephone cable and cellular networks as well as the electrical wiring in your house and everywhere else. (And the ELECTRons I your body) well your body is a power plant, ask a science teacher. I’ve got nothing to lie about and the last few things I’ve got to lose are my family and the friends that remain. They already stole life, liberty and pursuit of happiness away from so many people. ***WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO SEE HEAR AND FEEL IS THE TRUTH.



"La Sabiduría Eterna permite que una persona se transforme espiritualmente, conozca la esencia subyacente de los eventos pasados y futuros". (Del libro "AllatRa») El libro "AllatRa" revela información exclusiva: sobre la Personalidad del ser humano y su Alma; sobre las subpersonalidades y los fenómenos relacionados; sobre la naturaleza dual de la persona: sobre los procesos de su principio Espiritual y Animal; sobre la importancia de la cosmovisión dominante, su influencia en la elección de la Personalidad que determina su destino post mortem. En el libro "AllatRa", por primera vez en el mundo,se proporcionan fotografías únicas del Alma humana en un estado de transición después de la muerte del cuerpo físico; contiene los conocimientos primordiales únicos sobre la estructura multidimensional del ser humano en el mundo invisible, sobre la conexión de la persona con otras dimensiones, sobre sus capacidades excepcionales además de la tercera dimensión. El libro responde a tales preguntas como, para qué una persona necesita un cerebro más allá del exceso y la presencia de una consciencia multinivel, qué es un estado alterado de consciencia, cómo se produce una inmersión gradual en este. El libro da prácticas espirituales antiguas para trabajar en uno mismo y fusionarse con su Alma, desarrollar el sexto sentido y el contacto con el mundo espiritual. Habla sobre la naturaleza de las habilidades sobrenaturales (clarividencia, clariaudiencia, lectura de los pensamientos de otras personas, previsión) y la dualidad de su manifestación para la persona; sobre la importancia de trabajar en uno mismo en la comprensión de los procesos del mundo invisible. Y también sobre la doble posición y la influencia en el mundo de la Personalidad como Observador. Fuente: Los libros de Anastasia Novykh responden a muchas preguntas. ¿Quién soy yo? ¿Cuál es el sentido de mi vida? ¿Cómo se puede llegar a comprender a sí mismo? ¿Cómo dejar de sufrir y aprender a controlar sus pensamientos? ¿Cómo cambiar su vida y destino? ¿Cuál es la naturaleza verdadera de la persona? ¿Qué oculta la ciencia ( sobre la estructura energética de la persona en el mundo invisible) y por qué siguen guardando este complot del silencio hasta ahora? ¿Qué ocurre con la persona después de la muerte? ¿Tiene alma la persona? ¿Qué es el alma y la personalidad? Y ¿Cuál es el vínculo entre ellas? ¿Cuál es su propósito? ¿Qué sucede con el alma, la personalidad y el cuerpo después de la muerte? ¿Cuáles son los misterios del universo, micro y macrocosmos? ¿Qué es la Mente Animal? ¿Cómo estudiar el sistema del mundo material y aprender a vivir fuera de su influencia hipnotizadora? ¿Cómo evitar ser el esclavo de este mundo? ¿Qué le espera al ser humano como individuo y a toda la humanidad en las próximas décadas? ¿Cómo puede una persona cambiar su interior, su destino y la vida en la sociedad que nos rodea para sobrevivir en las condiciones de cataclismos globales y obtener la salvación espiritual?