God's Hearts Carriers Verified

1 Follower

‘God's Heart Carriers’ is a family, started by Dawn Baker, based on Ezekiel 36:26, committed to carrying the heart of God, LOVE, to the world. Refusing to judge, we love intentionally, just as God has loved us, that “while we were sinners Jesus Christ died for us”. We endeavor, with intentionality, to be a SAFE PLACE where LOVE abounds, NOT judgement. 'God's Heart Carriers' is expanding to be 'A Storehouse'. You will now be able to sow here into rich soil guaranteeing a harvest. Tithing is Old Covenant (Malachi 3:10) and we are NOT bound to the old; we Live and Function in THE NEW, the Law of LOVE. Harvest requires sowing seed and sowing into rich soil, soil God is honored and honoring. Paypal info: PDawnBaker Religious spirits will NOT be tolerated. Religion and JESUS are NOT synonymous; the Religious of Jesus day were His nemesis. We strive to be about The Father's business, following Jesus example, carrying HIS HEART. We are THE MANY SONS, Hells worst nightmare!