Consistent, Patient, Experienced, Thoughtful, and Loyal! This channel will focus on Real Estate, Personal Finance, and Entrepreneurship! The McClone brothers is a full-service Real Estate group serving sellers, buyers, and investors. We just don't focus on Southern California markets. We have a global reach,. We have fixed & flipped 128 properties since 2003 and we run and expanded a global real estate rental business consisting of single-family & multi-unit buildings. I invite you to subscribe to my channel and hit the bell to be notified when I post new videos! I post new videos on a consistent basis now. We are using it to bring awareness and use proceeds from the channel to tackle the homeless issue starting in Los Angeles and expanding across the US market! I have investor backing and working on expanding my reach of additional investors. We are not just going to throw money at the issue! I am going to take a proactive approach and a team is going to be put in place!

Relaxation music by Pandora's box


Thank you for supporting this channel.\n\nStory behind channel:\nIn 2019/2020 I was fighting pancreatic cancer. Dealing with this battle for life, took a toll on my mind. Fighting stress and anxiety became a consequence. I knew I had to do something, so I decided to meditate every day. Sometimes 30 minutes, sometimes 1 hour. It was my savior, and I am now completely myself again. \nI was granted a second chance, and I decided that it’s time to give back. \nHealth is not only what you put in your stomach, but also what you put in your head.\nMy mission:\nI want to be your #1 provider of relaxing music and relaxing videos.\nI will upload content every single day.\nI will provide these following types of videos:\n\n Relax music\n Yoga music\n Calming music \n Relaxing classical music \n Relaxing music \n Spiritual music \n Classical music for studying \n Instrumental music \n Music to sleep \n Meditation music \n Music relaxing instrumental \n Piano music \n Sacred music \n Sleep music \n Trance meditation music \n Tribal sounds \n White noise \n Amazing nature scenery\n\nMy #1 Resource for Sound Healing\n



Nossa Bandeira, nossa pátria é o brasil. E todos os dias estaremos on line, manifestaremos nosso repúdio aos politicos que acreditam que podem continuar usurpando do poder em benefício próprio. Jair Bolsonaro é nosso presidente, governa para todos! E Lula é o ladrão que representa o que há de mais podre na política do Brasil. Chega de corrupção, que se levantem os homens e mulheres livres desta terra abençoada, sim que se levantem de seus labores, e lutemos mais uma vez pela honra de nossos antepassados que bravamente uniram nosso povo e conquistaram estas terras, hoje o futuro precisa de nossa mobilização. Sejamos valentes e fortes, que possamos nor unir naquilo que é uma causa justa, perfeita e honesta. Em uma de nossas mãos erguemos a nossa amada bandeira, e com a outra de punhos erguidos e voz retumbante gritemos, NOSSA BANDEIRA JAMAIS SERÁ VERMELHA! Existimos e vamos defender com toda vitalidade proporcionada por Deus, o que é mais sagrado para um povo, sua própria existência! #inconformax #prontomaxfalou